Welcome! On this page, you will find information related to the 2021 FFS DC Trip and the necessary forms to fill out.

Please make sure your student has also joined the FFS DC Trip Google Classroom at https://classroom.google.com/c/Mzg3OTY3MzE4ODUz?cjc=laglj5w

Due to rain forecast for tomorrow... we are altering our itinerary. Today, the morning will be the same but in the afternoon we will visit the capitol building and meet our Congressman and then head to Arlington. We are having a great trip so far. Students are amazing and learning a lot. We have had many "thank you(s)" from students to tour guides for their service and for their knowledge, chaperones for being here, and bus drivers for getting us to and from places safely. #TribeProud

Updated Itinerary!!!

Fairfield Freshman School - DC 2021
Chaperone/Bus List

Countdown to DC is T - 2 days! The weather looks to be between 65 and 70 with some rain Friday and Saturday. Please make sure you are prepared for the rain and have comfortable shoes. You also must have masks for any indoor activities. We will be meeting Wednesday morning at 5 am in the Freshman school bus lot to load the charter buses. If you are not on the bus by 5:20 am, then you are in danger of being left behind. Busses will roll at 5:30 am sharp. Please use the bathroom before boarding the bus. Yes, there is a bathroom on the bus and yes, we stop at rest areas for bathroom breaks, but what happens in the bus bathroom stays with us the whole trip.

Did you miss last night's meeting?

Select here to listen to Mr. Parrish's overview!


Packing List!

Click the image to the left to access the packing list document!

  1. Don't forget to sign the COVID policy letter from Prodigy and bring it to Mrs. D'Angora in room 1201 (math wing... first room on the right)!

  2. Don't forget to turn in the medication form to the nurse if you have medication that needs to go with us on the trip. The form and medication must be turned in no later than October 22nd so that it can be organized and ready to go the morning we leave.

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“Fairfield Freshman Washington DC trip – 2021"