Student Expectations

students are expected to:

1) Be on time! Students are expected to follow their schedule throughout the school day and arrive to each class on time.

2) Be prepared! Students should bring their school materials with them to class each day. They will travel to various classes throughout the day and should always have their class materials with them. This includes: binder, pencils, notebooks, folders, etc. Students will have a locker to hold a bookbag and coat that they can access before and after school, but all class materials should be carried with them throughout the day. Students should also be aware of all their website usernames, and passwords.

3) Be respectful! Showing respect is the most important factor in having a successful classroom and school family! We treat others respectfully so we can respond to direction and learning in a positive way, and it shows that we listen and accept each other for who we are!

4) Be engaged! Participate in the lesson by listening and responding to questions, asking questions, providing input, and working with groups. Complete your work during the designated class period so you don't fall behind!

5) Be responsible! Submit your work on time! All work should be turned in by the due date. It is students' responsibility to contact teachers if they need help outside of class time, or if there are other issues going on that are impeding the school schedule.