About Lori

About Lori Lynn

Lori Lynn was born on April 25, 1957 and was the daughter of Howard J. Pullin, Jr. and Wanda Jeanne McCormick Pullin. She attended Liberty High School in Liberty Township north of Youngstown, Ohio. She was in the graduating class of June 1975. 

A newspaper article honoring women ‘breaking the glass ceiling’ included pictures of Lori operating heavy equipment and her bio. It included other women in different predominately male professions. Before that, she worked as a bookkeeper and contemplated making accounting her career before she had children, even attending Youngstown State University working toward that goal.

She worked for over 30 years as a heavy machine operator for Worker’s Local Union 66. The last five years for oil well companies with a long commute that lead to her retirement. Before that she worked for Shelly and Sands, a highway construction company for approximately fifteen years where she made many friends and eventually met her fiancé, Mark. Her work was extremely hard, she operated heavy equipment digging holes, ditches, grating roads, putting in drainage and also dealt with hazardous materials on some work sites. 

She had two children, Corrine and Samantha.

During her marriage to Tim, she moved into a house built for them on a front lot of the family farm. They paid our father to build it. Before that, they rented a small home in Girard, Ohio on Churchill Road. 

She was known as a cheerful colleague. She was just ‘one of the guys’ slapping coworkers on the back and joking around. She was proud of what she did and her capabilities. She was driven and self-motivated. Her coworkers commented on her great skills and the lack of supervision she needed to get the job done. They all liked her and her employer closed the business down early so all could attend her funeral.

At her funeral one of her male coworkers said that she worked harder than any man.

Reflections from Lori's daughter Samantha Lynn:

I know everybody would say that their loved one is special, and they are, I’m sure, but my mom was a rare breed of woman. When I was growing up I remember being a latchkey kid; surviving off of cereal and spaghettio's .I had no idea that at that moment as I would have been heating up my after school snack, my mom was busting her ass in a local union construction company, surrounded by men in a man's field, getting covered in dirt and blood, to make a better life for us. Not only was she working hard all day, she was showing up for me at night. My volleyball games, softball practices, homecomings and proms. I tried to hide my shame when she rushed from work, dirty, sweaty and smelly, just to make sure I would have these memories today. It was in her character. Even after I had kids of my own, she would travel 2 hours each way to spend a day or two with her grandkids, who called her Nana. She did this so I could go to work, every single week, until the day she was murdered. I was so arrogant to think we had more time together- I never really showed her appreciation for all the things she has done for me. My mother was a workhorse, a tough love mom, who wanted nothing more than to spend every moment of her retirement with the ones she loved. She lived only 1 year into her retirement… something to think about, huh? This whole thing has changed me forever. My heart sinks lowest when I think about what her killer took from my children.


Reflections from Lori’s daughter Corrie Lynn

My mom was my best friend, I could go to her with anything, big or small, with complete honesty. She was the backbone of this family, the glue that kept us all together until her last breath. Growing up, we had our trials and personal differences but she was always there. She showed up. She listened. She put us first, even when we made life difficult for her. We disagreed on a lot of major life issues (politics, religion, family dynamics) but that never kept her from a healthy debate. She was an amazing role model even if she didn't think that of herself. She did what she thought was right. I can hear her now saying "just let it go", knowing that we won't do that. Her favorite color was yellow. Her favorite flower was the black eyed Susan. She regretted forcing me to eat meat as a child now knowing that I am (and always have been) a vegetarian. She thought I should've been a veterinarian. She loved her friends and her card nights and wine with her neighbors. She loved Mark - I remember the day she showed me her engagement ring and how happy she was. Once again, she made the right choice. Her life was lived for us, the one's she loved. I bet if she were asked if she would do it all over again, she would.


Reflections from Diane Pullin:

My little sister Lori

Lori was an independent person who loved to joke and kid around. She was firm in her beliefs and like many mid-westerners didn’t care for anyone who disagreed. Lori loved her construction job working with heavy equipment even though the vibrations of the machines took a toll on her body. She was also very handy around the house, not only painting and decorating but installing light fixtures too. She learned to be very thrifty not only with her money but anyone else’s money entrusted to her. Before she had become a heavy equipment operator she worked as a bookkeeper for a few years and even attended Youngstown State to study accounting. She ended up dropping out due to a pregnancy. She had two daughters, seven years apart in age. Lori retired after 30 plus years running heavy equipment. She wanted to spend time with her grandchildren and to travel. Before our father passed away in Sept. 2016, Lori and I spent a week in Ireland and also went with our parents on a cruise to Canada. We had planned on many more vacations together.