Clifton Community Council

History and Document Archive

Louisville, KY

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Welcome to the Clifton Community Council's digital and public repository of Clifton Neighborhood documents, records, and images.  Though extensive at over 7,000 individual records, we don’t claim it to be a complete database, and we will add to it over time.  For users that are interested in finding out more about their individual property, we suggest you start with: (1) the individual address folder (if one exists) and the “2003 Photos,” both under “By Street Addresses,” then (2) the “History” folder; within the “History” folder, look at the “Historic Maps” and then also “Addresses-Histories-Age Built” folder.  If you are looking for non-residential properties, e.g., Kentucky School for the Blind, in addition to the “By Street Address” folder, look under the “History” folder and “Blind Asylum” (the historic name). 

These items are organized, indexed, and (mostly) text-searchable, within the Google Drive file and document storage system, and are maintained in a separate, dedicated web domain. (For this reason, this page's web address does not match the web address that referred you here.) Records are in a variety of formats, e.g., pdf, jpg, and some scanned documents will need to be enlarged on your computer screen to be able to read them.  

To enable the Archive's text-searchable feature in order to filter for specific items based on key words or phrases within those items, you must log in to the site using the simple instructions and login credentials provided here.  On the other hand, if you don't need the text-search feature, you may freely browse the many folders and files without logging in.  

Any questions or comments should be directed to the Clifton Community Council Board.  Check your latest Clifton Quarterly for contact info on Board members.