EWB Fellows' Policies


Fellows’ Manual of Policies, Procedures, and Guidelines

Introduction to the Site

The EWB Fellows’ Manual of Policies, Procedures, and Guidelines is intended to provide the organization and its members with policies, procedures, and guidelines that ensure a safe and equitable working environment and promote wellness of the individual members. The policies, procedures, and guidelines in this Manual were created from within EWB with the aid of many outside resources. Policies of Médecins Sans Frontières, CARE International, and UNICEF were researched and influenced those developed for EWB. Experts in the field have also been contacted to aid in the development of some policies.

As an EWB Fellow, you are representing EWB and anything that puts you in harm’s way also puts EWB at risk. Therefore, abiding by these policies is not only for you; it is first and foremost for the people whom we work with and for. We have the most impact when we are safe, healthy and well.

In some cases, a policy may include procedures or subsections that are identified as guidelines. In the context of this site , policy, procedure, and guideline are defined as the following:

● Policy: a definite course or method of action that should be used to determine present and future decisions. Must be followed. Violating policies will result in discipline up to and including the termination of the Placement.

● Procedure: a series of steps that are expected to be followed, or are best practices recommended to be followed, usually in preparation for or in reaction to an event.

● Guideline: an indication or outline of policy or conduct that should be used to influence actions and provide direction to decision-making. We encourage you to follow.

EWB has four overarching principles that govern the creation and enforcement of all of our policies, procedures, and guidelines. These 4 principles make up 4 of the 5 sections of the Manual:

Section 1. Invest in People

Section 2. Minimize Risk to your Health & Safety

Section 3. Equity, Fairness and Inclusion

Section 4. Effectiveness

Section 5: Country-Specific

Section 1. Invest in People

We know that true change requires a movement of socially minded leaders. We support and invest in ourselves and each other to help build this movement together. We expect you to be intentional about honouring your own wellness, happiness, and motivation, and support others at EWB to do the same. We strive to provide an experience that will enrich you as a leader and support your growth as an exceptional change agent. As much as we are able, we will invest in you.

In this section you will find:

1.01 EWB’s Long-Term Fellowship Policy

1.02 Living Allowance Policy for EWB Fellows

1.03 Support available to Fellows

Section 2. Minimize Risk to your Health and Safety

We expect our volunteers to take the necessary steps to minimize risks to their health and safety. We believe that we must be healthy and well to create impact through our work. Therefore, it is important for us to view all that we do through a risk lens, analyzing and making choices based on what will minimize the risks to us as individuals. We also recognize that what one person does affects all others in the organization.

In this section you will find:

2.01 Incident Reporting

2.02 Prevention of Health Issues

2.03 Sexual Misconduct and Sexual Assault Policy

2.04 Sex and Relationships Policy

2.05 Site specific risk assessment

2.06 Transportation & Motorcycle Policy

2.07 Swimming and Water Safety Policy

2.08 Ebola Response Plan

2.09 Post-Traumatic Event Support Procedure

2.10 Process for Accessing Fellow Health, Safety and Wellness Budget

2.11 Drug and Alcohol Use Policy


2.12 Junior Fellows Internal Complaint Form

(This form is to be used to escalate any complaints or issues you may be facing during your Junior Fellowship Placement, that have not been able to be resolved by your local Fellowships Program Manager and/or Director of Fellowships)

In addition, to create confidential reports for your own records, or to submit to EWB. Visit www.talktospot.com > try spot > for individuals > I found Spot on my own. When you want to escalate the case and submit a case to EWB, send these reports to your in country manager (especially for incidents in your placement venture/ boundary partner) or EWB HR (concerns@ewb.ca)

Section 3. Equity, Fairness and Inclusion

At EWB, we strive to create an environment that is equitable, fair and inclusive regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, religion, sexuality, ability, age or parental status.

In this section you will find:

3.01 Non-Discrimination Policy

3.02 Gender Statement

3.03 Violence and Harassment Policy

3.04 Spousal and Dependants Policy

3.05 Fellow Code of Conduct

Section 4. Effectiveness:

At EWB, we dream big and work hard to have the most impact possible through our work. In order to be as effective as possible in our work, we strive to create conditions that allows all Fellows to thrive.

In this section you will find:

4.01 Vacation & Holiday Policy

4.02 Conflict of Interest Policy

4.03 Whistleblower Policy

4.04 Disciplinary Policy

Section 5. Country-Specific:

In this section you will find country-specific policies, procedures, guidelines, and emergency response plans. Please ensure you are aware of all information pertaining to the country that you work in. If you travel to visit another country be sure to review Emergency Response plans for that country and brief yourself on general HSW as it applies in that context.

5.01 Ghana Emergency Response Plan

5.02 Côte D’Ivoire Emergency Response Plan

5.03 Uganda Emergency Response Plan

5.04 Kenya Emergency Response Plan