-Each tab in this part of the website is dedicated to teaching you about the construction process-
-Each tab in this part of the website is dedicated to teaching you about the construction process-
-The Selections Tabs-
-The Selections Tabs-
All of our customers receive their own dedicated website which has the educational pages & the selection tabs where the specific planning & design elements will be uploaded. If you ever need to repaint, order a replacement plumbing fixture or want to re-do your shower grout, all of this information will be accessible through the cloud.
-Below is an example of the home page for a construction project-
-Below is an example of the home page for a construction project-
Job Address
Job Address
Customer Name
Customer Name
Phone #
Phone #
Insert Blueprints
Insert Blueprints
Insert Survey
Insert Survey
Insert Manual J
Insert Manual J
Financial Job Summary
Contract Price:
Additional Charges:
Project Running Total:
Less Payments Received:
Job Remaining Balance: