Drop  ·  Everything ·  And  ·  Read

Drop Everything and Read (DEAR)

DEAR is a celebration of reading reminding everyone to make reading a priority in their lives. DEAR is aimed to make reading a daily routine. Not only will students develop a love of reading, but there will be marked improvement in reading fluency, vocabulary and comprehension. Students who read at least 20 minutes a day are exposed to 1.8 million words a year and generally score in the upper quartiles on reading assessments. Students who read at least 4.6 minutes a day are exposed to 282,000 words per year and usually score in the 50th percentile on reading assessments. Teacher and staff modeling increases the willingness of student participation as well as displaying the importance and joy in sitting back and enjoying a good book! 

DEAR Dates

Week of:

September 11th  ·  October 16th  · November 13th - December 4th  ·  January 15th  ·  February 12th  · March 11th  ·  April 15th  · 
May 6th 

DEAR days are not optional while in-person. Offering students the chance to read during class time allows students the opportunity to read for pleasure, take a step away from the pressures of the day (and hopefully the screen) and is also a way to assist in the well-being of our students. Feel free to adjust to any time of the week....or several times during the month.