Lunch Income Eligibility Forms

Income Eligibility Form



East Side Union High School District Child Nutrition Services is committed to providing students with nourishing breakfast and lunch on any school day. The state of California has implemented Universal Meals for All, which means any student in any school can receive a free breakfast and free lunch every school day. No money is necessary to receive breakfast and/or lunch.

An Income Eligibility Form is necessary for your student(s) to receive;



AP test discounts

College application waivers

Internet discounts for home

Grant opportunities for ESUHSD.


To receive these benefits your income must qualify.


We look forward to serving your student(s) this school year and hope they are successful in all they do.



Julie Kasberger, Director of General Services

East Side Union High School District

Please fill out the income eligibility form and turn it in to your school.


English                 Spanish                  Vietnamese




You can deposit money into your child's account on for the purchase of Ala Carte items.