JLHS Counseling Corner

Welcome to the JLHS Counseling Corner!

The James Lick counseling department works to support each James Lick student achieve his/her college & career goals. This includes setting goals based on strengths and interests, making a four year plan, checking on grades, making classroom presentations, meeting with CalSOAP or TRIO coordinators, using Canvas and Naviance as our vehicle for communication & information. Counselors provide services and support in all of the following American School Counselor Association (ASCA) recognized domains during all four years of high school:

Academic: Counselors work with students to select an appropriate program of studies, establish and monitor academic goals and success; and develop skills for improved learning. Counselors also provide consultation and support to teachers and parents.

Personal/Social: Counselors work with students to acquire the knowledge and skills helpful for personal growth, healthy decision making and overall mental health. Counselors also provide crisis counseling to ensure student safety and work with parents and other professionals to best support students in need.

College/Career: Beginning freshmen year, counselors work with students to develop and plan career and college goals; provide students with strategies to gain a wide variety of career information; and help with the college search and application process.


Counselors are available to meet with students during break, lunch, after school, and sometimes during class if necessary. Counselors can meet with parents as well.  To make an appointment with a counselor, you can reach them by email, phone call, or personal visit at the Learning Center.  We look forward to working with you!

Counseling and CAPS Flyer

Hello Comets and Parents,

Click here to access the live Google Doc version of the flyer below:

Counseling and CAPS Flyer

Counseling Tech

Susan Luna



For work Permits, Information or Counseling Support see Ms. Luna

School Counselors

Ms. Ruby Chávez




Ms. Noemi Huitron

M-Z, head counselor

Ms. Veronica Martinez