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Welcome to "Outdoor Homeschool"!

As a Preschool Teacher and Consultant, I have decided to build a daily schedule of my Outdoor Homeschool adventures with my 5 and 7 year old children.

Living in the Gaspé region of Quebec gives us a wonderful outdoor play ground for learning in Nature.

I will post every weeks plans on the site and you will get to see pictures, videos and more to support our days of learning.

As you will see, they are not based on any specific topic as I am fond of the socioconstructive approach, the Reggio Emilia and Waldorf philosophies that promote learning by doing and values the development of each childs own full and unique potential outside a fixed curriculum. I start from their interest and build on it on a daily bases. I sometimes have pedagogical intentions but I do not cling to them and follow the directions the children will lead me in. Learning occurs everyday and is much more significant if it comes from them. It is also the philosophy promoted by the Preschool Quebec Education Program.

Feel free to explore the different ressources I have linked to my Outdoor Homeschool page such as Attachement, Promouvoir le jeu libre (promoting free play) and my YouTube channel.