About Our Program

Image of Students Learning English

How are ENL Services Provided?

  • ENL Instruction is provided at Minoa Elementary with an integrated (co-teaching) or stand-alone approach, as prescribed by NYS education regulations.
  • Integrated Instruction: Allows the ENL teacher to work with classroom teachers to provide strategies and support for all of the students within the general education classroom.
  • Stand-Alone Instruction: Allows the ENL teacher to work with the students in a small group outside of the regular classroom to provide instruction specific to learning English.
Image of two students speaking

How is a student determined to be an English Language Learner (ELL)?

  1. It is determined that a language other than English is spoken in a student's home
  2. The student is given an informal interview by an ENL Teacher to screen language ability.
  3. If the teacher thinks the student may be an ELL, they will assess them using the appropriately-leveled New York State Identification Test for English Language Learners (NYSITELL).
  4. The results from the NYSITELL place a student in the ENL program.
  5. Parents or guardians are notified of this determination by written letter.
Standardized Test Answer Sheet and Pencil

How can a student graduate from the ENL program?

  • Annually in April and May, all English Language Learners (ELLs) will take the New York State English as a Second Language Achievement Test.
  • Based on these results, students are placed at an ENL Level: Entering, Emerging, Transitioning, Expanding, and Commanding.
  • Commanding students are done taking the NYSESLAT, but will still receive ENL services for 2 school years as commanding students.