Registration How-To

Ponder ISD Strategic Teacher Seminar 2017/2018

Workshop # 007030 / session #012230

Registration link:

The registration can be completed using the following steps:

· Click on the link above, or use the Professional Learning or REGISTER link tab at the top right of ESC 11 website

· Sign in, each participant must sign-in to his/her own profile account. If they have changed schools or cannot see the session, please verify or update the My profile with correct District and School.

· Hover at Browse Catalog,

· Click on District-Specific,

Or Search for workshop #007030 or session #012230,

· Add to cart, go to cart,

· Complete check out, until receiving a confirmation # and email confirmation. There is no charge for individuals registering from the account since you have the MOU for this training.

If you are unable to find the session, use the link provided. Please know that one must be signed in to complete registration.