Primary 5

August - September

Egg Shooters

Primary 5a enjoyed designing, building and testing their own egg shooters with Mr Keir. 

They used recycled materials from home and worked in groups of 4. 

Once they had designed and built their egg shooters, the groups got to test out their Egg Shooters in the Atrium. 

Some worked better than others but each group was able to identify what went well and what they would do differently next time. 

The Water Cycle

Primary 5b worked hard to identify the stages of the water cycle. They have been able to understand where water comes from and the journey it takes around us. 

From turning into water vapour through evaporations, collecting as clouds through condensation and falling as rain/sleet/snow through precipitation back to rivers and seas.

The class then had a go at making their own water cycle models using Tinkercad.