What a fantastic start to term! August and September have been very busy months in Primary 1 as we get use to the new routines of Primary School, including lining up, order lunches and getting ready for outdoor learning!

Everyone has settled in well and lots of new friendships have been made. We have been having lots of fun as we have been learning and hope you enjoy reading about our learning and looking at our pictures.


In Numeracy, the children have impressed us by being able to recite numbers to 10 and beyond. They are excellent at counting forwards and backwards to 20! They have been focusing on number formation with our "Number of the day" and the children have learned lots of little rhymes to help them remember how to draw the numbers correctly. The children have also been deepening their understanding of number by thinking about different ways they can represent a number. The photos show all the different ways they've been learning about number - both indoors and outdoors!

Learning to play Dominoes


In Literacy, the children have been developing their phonological awareness - their awareness of sounds and structure in words and sentences- in preparation for starting Phonics. The children have enjoyed learning lots of nursery rhymes and are excellent at spotting the rhyming words and creating their own rhymes. They have also been developing their awareness of syllables in a word and can identify the number of syllables in their names. The children are continuing to work on identifying the sounds at the start of a word and they love playing "I spy" as a way to identify starting sounds in a word.

P1 love reading and have sequenced stories in the correct order and made their own new endings to stories.

The class have done lots of different activities to develop their rhyming skills!

Making our names

Working out the syllables in words

Our Literacy Tuff Trays have been linked to a different nursery rhyme and story each week. The children have enjoyed recreating the story and creating new endings! Can you work out which nursery rhyme or story we've been exploring?

Other Curricular Areas

In the role play corner of the classroom the children love to act out being in a cafe or restaurant, often taking orders for drinks from teachers and other children. Together with the teachers, the children decided that they would like to learn more about how drinks are made and where they come from. The children have designed their own drinks and put together a drinks menu for their cafe, they have explored different drinks ingredients such a coffee, fruits, and herbs and have chatted about where some of the ingredients for drinks come from.

Lots of yummy food and drink available in the P1 cafe

Exploring the different ingredients to make drinks. Lots of yummy smells

A busy mud kitchen!

Creating drinks for the cafe menu and signs for the cafe

Over the last few weeks we have been developing keys skill such as jumping, hopping and skipping. We have also been playing lots of team and individual games in order to develop our spatial awareness. During some of these games we have had to listen very carefully and follow instructions. Last week, we worked with each other to throw, catch and roll a ball. We especially enjoyed using beanbags to throw at a set target.

In French the children met George the Giraffe who has taught them how to say hello and goodbye, how to have good manners and to say their name in French! Here the children are practising introducing themselves.

The children have continued to make use of the areas of continuous provision in the class and the teachers have been so impressed with their creations - particularly their creations in the construction area!