Literacy and Maths

At the beginning of the month, we marked World Book Day by coming to school ready to enjoy a bedtime story.  The children enjoyed talking, writing and doing drawings about their favourite stories. The children have been encouraged to become more independent in their writing and they are developing their ability to write the sounds that they learn each week. The children have also been doing lots of writing at the writing table, all children are expected to visit it at least once a day. We have also introduced story stones to the classroom to encourage children to create their own stories. 

The children have continued to work on their knowledge and understanding of numbers 11 to 20. Some learners have been working on missing number sequences to 20 and have been able to say the numbers before and after a given number, as well as the number in-between two numbers. We have all been working on our accuracy when counting and representing numbers to 20. 

We have also been exploring fractions. The children have cut shapes in half, cut playdough in half and have shared a number of items equally. They did this particularly successfully during our teddy bear's picnic. The teddies had plenty to eat and everyone got their fair share. 


Recently, the children have shown an interest in creating laptops and mobile phones at the Creative Area. In line with this interest, P1 have been booking out some of our school Chromebooks to get a shot of the real thing. The children have been learning to type their names, with a view to learning to log on independently. The children have also been encouraged to share their own experiences of using technology and think about which device is the most appropriate for a given use. 

Health and Wellbeing with Mrs Bowie and Mr Johnston

Primary 1 are beginning to develop their emotional literacy through the Emotion Works programme. We will be learning new names for emotions, how our body feels when it feels certain emotions and how we might show this through our actions. We will be using books, music, short films and dance to explore our feelings and how we react to them.

Primary 1 are also learning how to stay healthy. We have looked at EatWell Plate exploring the different food groups and what we need to have a healthy, balanced diet. Primary 1 also understand the importance of exercise to stay healthy and we have discussed how we can keep active on the way to school, at school, and after school. 

In PE, Primary 1 have been working on their throwing and catching skills, and have also been playing team games. We have been learning how to be a good winner and how to cope appropriately when losing. 

Expressive Arts

Miss Lawrie added some tulips to our Creative Area. Some children drew them, looking carefully at the shapes of the petals and the leaves. We  then tried the technique of printing in the tulip artworks that we have been making. We have used cardboard tubes or strips to print using paint. We were able to improve our technique by using more or less paint and by making sure paint was evenly spread on the printing tools. Our tulips have turned out really nicely. 

Science Week

The theme for Science Week this year was 'Connections'. During Science Week, P1 learned about the connection between how foods grow and how they end up on their dinner plates. We made a poster to share information on the farm to fork journey for broccoli.