
We have been doing lots of work to develop our writing. We have been focusing on our ingredients to make a sentence (capital letter, full stop, finger spaces, makes sense) and being able to use our knowledge of sounds and letters to spell and write words correctly. We have also looked at describing words and have used what we have learned to describe characters from different stories.

We have also been completing a lot of activities around class to enhance our reading such as matching words to pictures and reading our reading books with a teacher and with our friends, and continue to consolidate and revise sounds we have learnt.

Numeracy and Mathematics

In Numeracy and Maths, we continue to develop our knowledge and understanding of number with a particular focus on addition. The children have been introduced to the concept of time this month and have been learning to tell and show o'clock times using analogue and digital clocks. The children had a ball playing Time Bingo with their friends!


This month we have been learning all about Scotland. We have loved singing to Scots songs, such as 'Heid, Shudders, Knaps and Taes' , 'Ye Canny Shove yer Granny aff a Bus' and 'Katie Bairdie'', and listening to stories in Scots, such as 'The Glasgow Gruffalo's Wean' and the Hamish McHaggis stories, to find out more about Scotland and to learn Scots words. We have explored texts such as 'The Glasgow's Gruffalo's Wean' and 'Katie Bairdie' further using small world tuff trays allowing children to retell/act out the text with their friends. Primary 1 have opened a Scottish Hotel in the role play area (name pending). The hotel has been busy taking bookings for overnight stays, day trips to landmarks around Scotland and tables for the hotel restaurant. Our learning around Scotland will continue into February and we will update you on this in our February blog.

Physical Education

HWB 0-22a I am developing my movement skills through practice and energetic play.

We are learning to:

respond imaginatively and creatively to music by using our body

explore and combine movements which include different ways to travel, turn and jump

create a movement sequence in response to a stimuli

demonstrate an understanding of using different levels in dance

We can:

share our ideas, with a partner or group, using words and body language to express our ideas and feelings (Communication)

explore ways to moves in response to music (Creativity)

practise movements to improve them and perform movement skills in a repeated pattern or sequence

demonstrate repeated movement patterns with/to a beat

In class we have been exploring Scottish songs, stories and rhymes and we have developed this further by exploring Scottish Country Dancing as part of our Physical Education Lessons with Mr Johnston on a Monday.

We have explored and created our own ways to travel, turn and perform different actions or gestures on our own and with a partner.

We have used two different formations when performing our dance. We have demonstrated a star and circular pathway with our repeated movement sequence.