Literacy and Maths

As we continue to learn new sounds and sight words, we can see the children becoming more and more confident when applying their phonics and sight word knowledge when writing and reading different texts. When writing, the children have enjoyed creating and describing their own Princess or Knight, sharing their ideas on what they would cook if they were a Royal Chef and sharing information about key features of a castle. 

We have been learning all about shapes this month by identifying and naming shapes, exploring how many sides different shapes have, where in the environment we can see them, and we have had a go at making our own shapes using pipe cleaners, playdough and cardboard. The children continue to develop their knowledge and understanding of addition and some children have been exploring subtraction. 


We have continued learning about Scotland. As part of our learning about Burns Night, we sorted a range of objects into two categories: "Things we need for Burns Night" and "Things that we don't need." Some learners also made posters for our Scottish hotel role play. We expected to continue learning about Scotland into this month, too. However, the children have shown a specific interest in  castles, as well as kings and queens. In line with their interests, we have introduced a castle small world set up. The children have also had opportunities to design and build their own castles. They have considered the qualities of a good king or queen and how they would behave in certain situations. The children also had a go at making up their own rules, as if they were royal leaders.  They explored medieval banquets, looking at the type of food that would have been served and then created our own medieval banquet menus. The children have enjoyed looking at different types of evidence to learn about life in the past and to think about how it is different from society today. 

Expressive Arts

As part of our learning experiences exploring Scottish dance, stories, song and art we were inspired by The Gruffalo and the work of Steven Brown.

Inspired by a range of stimuli, I can express and communicate my ideas, thoughts and feelings through activities within art and design. EXA 0-05a

I have the freedom to discover and choose ways to create images and objects using a variety of materials. EXA 0-02

We are learning to:

Identify the use of colour, line, shape, pattern and texture in pictures.

Discuss our thoughts when looking at the work of an artist.

Use familiar stories to help inspire our art work.

Use different materials to create a picture that shares our ideas.

We can:

Talk about the work of an artist and give reasons for likes and dislikes

Identify how an artist has used colour, line, shape, pattern, texture.

Create art work inspired by a story.

Discuss and include a variety of lines and shapes in our art work.

We created our own paper collage to represent the different characters in the story. 

We discussed the use of shape, line, colour, texture and pattern.

We created an irregular pattern using different colours of paper .

We cut out different shapes to help create the facial feature of each animal.