Primary 1 have been getting right into the Christmas spirit! They have been working very hard on the lead up to their Nativity performance, taking their allocated roles very seriously - they can't wait for you all to come and watch! They enjoyed a delicious Christmas lunch with their friends, and have had fun accessing Christmas/Winter themed activities this month, they particularly enjoyed the 'snow' tray and creating a Christmas wreath with loose parts to work on their fine motor skills. Another highlight was making Christmas decorations, the children used the skills that had already learnt to make paper tubes, cones and fans as part of their decoration of choice. Primary 1 have also been learning about the Nativity story and have been using a tuff tray based on this to retell it with their friends. Christmas play has also been spotted in the home corner and the construction area, with plates of cookies ready for Santa and models of his sleigh.


We have been doing lots of different activities to help us learn our sight words to help us read. We have had a go at reading, making and writing sight words, being sight word detectives by finding them in books, and a big favourite - sight word jenga! Primary 1 are continuing to learn the different sounds that letters make and are using this knowledge to help them read, and begin to write sentences. We took some of our learning outdoors where we had a scavenger hunt - the children had ten pictures to find and had to have a go and spelling the word for each picture. We have also been working on our comprehension skills this month by sequencing the Nativity story using ordinal numbers.

Numeracy and Maths

In Numeracy and Maths, we have been focusing on addition. We have continued to practise our ability to write number sentences and have been using resources such as blocks and dominoes to help us. We have also been working on our number formation regularly to ensure we are writing our numbers the correct way.