ZDD 25th-29th Jan


Can you follow the fun and energetic fitness moves this morning? Can you feel your heart beating fast? Well done for doing exercises, now you’re ready for a day full of learning and playing!



10am - Angela will be reading our story of the week today. Can you remember what the title, author, illustrator, spine and the blurb are?

Click here for Angela's Story


11am - What does your child want to learn about? Can you use different tools to research what they would like to learn about? Add numeracy and literacy to this learning experience. Why not explore outdoors? Share with us what you have been learning about. Examples are the ocean, dinosaurs, wildlife or space?

You could even revisit some of the fun experiences from the previous weeks e.g., sensory, creative, water play, exercise etc.


12am - We are celebrating Burn’s Week! Stewart will be providing an experience to help us learn all about Robert Burns and the traditional Burn’s Supper.


Click here for Stewart's Introduction to Burns Week


1pm – Jennifer will be proving an experience to allow children to count forward from 1-10 and backwards 10-0. Can you help Jennifer to count to 10 starting from different numbers?

Click here for Jennifer's Number Activity


2pm – Laura will be providing an experience for children to discover different tartans. Laura will be talking about her families’ tartan and what colour it is. Follow the link below to search for your name and you will be able to find out your family tartan and the history of it!


Click here for Laura's Tartan Activity


3pm - Zoe will be providing our Scottish song of the week to celebrate Burn’s Week which is our favourite Ally Bally Bee. Can you help Zoe by singing along with her?

We also like to sing Three Craws which you will find in the link below! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8_V-rhrFNc

Click here for Zoe's Scottish Song


Health & Well-Being– The Wiggles The Wiggles are doing a Highland Fling. Can you join in with the Scottish dancing? Can you remember some of the dancing from nursery? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8hDLGLaZX6g

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Literacy - Story Time Gillian will be reading our story of the week today. Can you remember some of the animals from yesterday? Click here for Gillian's Story

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Children’s Learning Choice - What does your child want to learn about? Can you use different tools to research what they would like to learn about? Add numeracy and literacy to this learning experience. Why not explore outdoors? Share with us what you have been learning about. Examples are the ocean, dinosaurs, wildlife or space? You could even revisit some of the fun experiences from the previous weeks e.g., sensory, creative, water play, exercise etc.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cooking - Frances will be providing an experience to allow the children to make their own invitations and placemats for their Burn’s Supper. Click here to see France's Cooking

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Numeracy - Jennifer will be proving an experience to allow children to count forward from 1-10 and backwards 10-0. Can you use your fingers to help show each number?

Click here to see Jennifer's Number Time

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Creative - Lauren will be providing an experience which will allow the children to create their own tartan using recourses from home. Did you find your tartan from yesterday, can you recreate it? Or you could make your own up if you like!

Click here to see Lauren's Tartan Activity.


Literacy - Zoe will be providing an experience for the children to listen to the song of the week and identify and generating rhyming words. Can you think of anything that rhymes with bee?

Bee, tree, three, knee Click here to see Zoe's Rhyming Words



Health & Well-Being– The Body Coach. Can you follow the fun and energetic fitness moves this morning? Can you feel your heart beating fast? Well done for doing exercises, now you’re ready for a day full of learning and playing! https://www.youtube.com/user/thebodycoach1


Literacy - Frances will be reading our story of the week today. Can you join in with “so teeny and squidgy!”?

Click here for France's Story


Children’s Learning Choice - What does your child want to learn about? Can you use different tools to research what they would like to learn about? Add numeracy and literacy to this learning experience. Why not explore outdoors? Share with us what you have been learning about. Examples are the ocean, dinosaurs, wildlife or space?

You could even revisit some of the fun experiences from the previous weeks e.g., sensory, creative, water play, exercise etc


Cooking - The children will use their mark making skills to write an ode to haggis! What can we say to the haggis at the start of our Burn’s Supper?

Click here for France's Cooking

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Numeracy - Stewart will be proving an experience to allow children to count forward from 10-20 and backwards 10-0. Can you help Stewart to find out what number comes after?

Click here for Stewart's Number Time

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Creative - Laura will be providing an experience which will allow children to do some weaving. The children will use scissors to cut out the strips of paper to create a pattern.

Click here to see Laura's Weaving

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Literacy - Sara will be providing an experience for the children to identify syllables in certain Scottish words. Can you join in with Sara and help her clap the syllables? Hag-gis – 2 Tar-tan – 2 Bairn – 1

Click here to see Sara's activity


Health & Well-Being– Singing Kettle. We love singing the Scottish song “Oh You Cannae Shove yer Granny aff a Bus” Can you sing along with the Singing Kettle?



Literacy - Story Time with Laura will be reading our story of the week today! Can you remember what animal comes next? Click here to hear Laura's Story


Children’s Learning Choice - What does your child want to learn about? Can you use different tools to research what they would like to learn about? Add numeracy and literacy to this learning experience. Why not explore outdoors? Share with us what you have been learning about. Examples are the ocean, dinosaurs, wildlife or space? You could even revisit some of the fun experiences from the previous weeks e.g., sensory, creative, water play, exercise etc.


Cooking - The children are going to help make their very own Burn’s Supper with some haggis, neeps and tatties! Can you follow the recipe and measure of the ingredients?


Click here to see France's Burns Supper

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Numeracy - Jennifer will be proving an experience to allow children to count forward from 1-20 and backwards 10-0. Can you use your fingers to help show each number?

Click here for Jennifer's Number Time

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Creative - As it is Burn’s Week, we like to celebrate by dancing along to some Scottish music. Dance is a great way to express ourselves and we have lots of fun whilst doing so. You can hear some of the music is slow and some of it is fast. Have a go yourself or with your family and see if you enjoy it!


----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Literacy - identify words that begin with the letter ‘b’. Can you hear the words in Ally Bally Bee that begin with the letter ‘b’? “bally, bee, banana, bottle, bin, bread”

Click here for Sara's Words


Health & Well-Being– As part of our Fun Friday, the children love dancing along to some of our favourite songs. We hope the children can follow the dances at home, can your families join in too?

Agadoo - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VtEcBIn8kRo

Superman - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4n6E45UNxmE

Baby Shark - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XqZsoesa55w

If You’re Happy & You Know It - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hwTwt4oIW3U

I am the Music Man - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=22kqia2ibVU

Dance & Freeze - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1iDscTioa8E


Literacy - Frances will be reading our story of the week today. Can you join in with “so teeny and squidgy!”?

Click here to hear France's Story


Children’s Learning Choice - What does your child want to learn about? Can you use different tools to research what they would like to learn about? Add numeracy and literacy to this learning experience. Why not explore outdoors? Share with us what you have been learning about. Examples are the ocean, dinosaurs, wildlife or space? You could even revisit some of the fun experiences from the previous weeks e.g., sensory, creative, water play, exercise etc.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cooking - Creating your very own survey. What did you like? What didn’t you like?

"Burns Supper Survey":


-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Numeracy - Stewart will be proving an experience to allow children to count forward from 10-20 and backwards 10-0. Can you help Stewart to count out the number of dots on the dice

Click here to see Stewart's Number Time

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Creative - Now that the children practised their Scottish dancing yesterday, they will be able to make up their own dances. Here is a video of the children doing some Scottish dancing on St. Andrew’s Day!

Click here to see some Scottish Dancing.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Literacy - Yesterday, Sara asked the children to identify words that begin with the letter ‘b’. Today, Sara will be providing an experience for the children to work out which object is the odd one out.


Click here to see Sara's Activity