ZDD 18th-22nd Jan


Monday 18th January —–) 9am – Joe Wicks. Please follow the red link to access your Joe fun filled session https://www.youtube.com/user/thebodycoach1


10am – Story time with Naomi. Naomi will be providing an experience to develop children’s awareness of book concepts e.g., the front cover and the blurb. What do you think the story is about from the front cover? Does it match up correctly with the blurb?

Click here to see Naomi's activity




11am – Laura will be providing an experience to allow children to make their own playdough and also adding some secret ingredients. Can you follow the recipe and count out the ingredients?

Click here to see Laura's activity


12 – Eat Your Rainbow. Can you see what fruit and vegetables you like to eat? What colour are they?



1pm – Zoe will be providing an experience to allow children to count out the dots on a dice. Can you help Zoe count the dots and match it to the correct number?

Click here for Zoe's activity




2pm – Kirsten will be providing an experience to allow children to create their own den using materials and resources from around the house. Can you make a plan before you build your den? What materials do you need to build your den?

Click here for Kirsten's activity Pt1

Part 2


3pm – Frances will be providing an experience for the children to listen to the rhyme of the week and identify and generating rhyming words. Can you think of any rhyming words?


Click here to see France's Rhyme


9am – Cosmic Yoga – Can you follow the yoga routine? What one are you doing this morning? Doing yoga is a great way to stretch all your muscles and get your body and brain ready for the day!



10am – Frances will be providing an experience to develop children’s awareness of emotions in the illustrations. Do the pictures show how they are feeling? Have they got a happy/sad/angry/excited face?

Click here to see France's activity




11am – Lauren will be providing an experience to allow children to explore the movements of playdough and create different shapes/sizes. What shapes can you make?


Click here to see Lauren's activity




12 – Angela will be providing an experience to allow children to make their own rainbow fruit skewers. Can you make a pattern with your fruit?

Click here Angela's activity




1pm – Zoe will be providing an experience to allow children to identify numerals and the number that comes before. Can you help Zoe think of the number that comes before?

Click here for Zoe's activity




2pm – Naomi will be providing an experience to allow children to further develop and add to their den. Is there anything you want to change or make it better?


Click here to see Naomi's Den


3pm – Sara will be providing an experience to allow children to identify syllables in different words from our rhyme of the week. How many syllables does your name have?


Wednesday 20th January ——-) 9am – The Body Coach (Healthy & Wellbeing) – Can you follow the fun and energetic fitness moves this morning? Can you feel your heart beating fast? Well done for doing exercises, now you’re ready for a day full of learning and playing!



10am – Story Time (Literacy). Jennifer will be providing an experience to develop children’s awareness of how the characters are feeling. Why do you think they are feeling a certain way? Can you see it on their face or by what they have said to someone?

Click here to hear Jennifer's story




11am – Zoe will be providing an experience to allow children to make their own scales. Add your playdough, how do you know if your playdough is heavier, lighter or the same weight as your toys?

Click here to see Zoe's activity0:00



12 – Cooking. Fruit Song. Can you listen out for your favourite fruit? Is there fruit in the song that you haven’t heard of before?



1pm – Gillian (Numeracy). Gillian will be providing an experience to allow children to count on within 10. Can you help Gillian count on from a number to reach to 10?


Click here for Gillian's activity00:00



2pm – Kirsten (Creative)Kirsten will be providing an experience to allow children to create their den for a small toy using resources and materials from around the house. Remember to use your problem solving skills to make sure your den is the right size for your toy!


3pm – Frances will be providing an experience to allow children to identify words that begin with the letter “d”. Why not play ‘I Spy with my little eye, something that begins with the letter d’?

Click here to see France's Powerpoint

Click here to see France's Video on Letters


Thursday 21st January——) 9am – Cosmic Yoga (Health & Wellbeing)Can you follow the yoga routine? What one are you doing this morning? Doing yoga is a great way to stretch all your muscles and get your body and brain ready for the day!



10am – Naomi will be providing an experience to develop children’s recognition of the character’s emotions and why they feel that way. Why do you think the characters are feeling that way?




11am – Stewart will be providing an experience to allow children to share out their playdough into an empty eggbox or other containers.


Click here for Stewart's activity




12am – Angela will be providing an experience to allow children to follow a recipe to make their own healthy bark. Can you follow the recipe and count out the ingredients.

Click here for Angela's activity0:00



1pm – Gillian will be providing an experience to allow children to participate in a dice game and to help count out the objects. Can you help Gillian count out the correct number of objects? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N–XXWbc-mM

Click here for Gillian's dice game0:00



2pm – Deborah will be providing an experience to allow children to create a structure using junk modelling materials. What items from around the house are you going to use?

Click here for Deborah's activity


3pm – Sara will be providing an experience for the children to listen to the rhyme of the week and identify and generating rhyming words. Can you think of new rhyming words?

Click here for Sara's activity


9am – As part of our Fun Friday, the children love dancing along to some of our favourite songs. We hope the children can follow the dances at home, can your families join in too?

Agadoo —–) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VtEcBIn8kRo

Superman —-) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4n6E45UNxmE

Baby Shark —–) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XqZsoesa55w

If You’re Happy & You Know It ——) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hwTwt4oIW3U

I am the Music Man —–) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=22kqia2ibVU

Dance & Freeze —–) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1iDscTioa8E


10am – Story Time (Literacy). Lauren will be providing an experience to allow children to understand that it’s ok to talk about their own emotions. Is there a time you felt happy/sad/angry/excited?

Click here for Lauren's Story



11am – Lauren (Sensory) Lauren will be providing an experience to allow children to create different models using their playdough. Can you find items around your house to add to your playdough? Show us your creations on twitter!

Click here for Lauren's Playdough0:00


12 – Cooking. Jennifer will be providing an experience to allow children to create a teddy bears picnic. Can you help make sandwiches and other treats for the picnic? https://youtu.be/1Tv-GNaIhRA

Click here for Jennifer's Bear Picnic


1pm – Gillian (Numeracy). Gillian will be providing an experience to allow children to create a shop at home and to use pennies to pay for items. Can you count out the pennies to match the price?



Click here to see Gillian's Coins activity0:00


2pm – Kirsten (Creative) Deborah It’s time to enjoy your model! Why don’t you decorate it. Add some different elements to it. Please show us on twitter what you’ve created!

Click here for Deborah's activity0:00


3pm – Frances will be providing an experience to allow children to identify any items at home beginning with “d”. What can you find in your house or outside that begins with “d”?

Click here to see France's Video