Global Citizenship

Talking about Global Citizenship at home:

Global Citizenship

Young children in Scotland can be completely unaware of the world and the people who live in it. Small activities such as this can widen their horizons and understanding of how others live. It also encourages them to see where their country is in the world on a map.

Posing the questions what do you see, think and wonder allows the children freedom to discuss with adults and their peers their thoughts on looking at the photos.

Houses around the world

A way to introduce the wider world to young children is to begin with houses. They can recognise their own housing and then go on to compare those from other countries.

Conversation will surround similarities, differences, likes and dislikes building materials etc.

Questions can be about the weather, size, families, community etc.


This can be an extension activity around different foods eaten across the world and how families eat e.g. with hands, bread, bowls, sitting on the floor, at a table, with the village etc.

Celebrations – e.g. Christmas

How these vary around the world. What traditions each country has.

Weather - Hot, Wet, Dry, Cold

Investigate the different climates

across the world encourages discussion

around our weather and the changes we see.

Possibly introducing seasons.

OCTOBER 2021 - COP 26

The children have talking about the plight of the Polar Bears. Investigating ice and how it melts meaning less space for the Polar Bears to live on.

This story book has been used to highlight climate change for

our young people and the power of their voice to say change

must happen for the next generation.

The children were able to ask questions and discuss the issues

surrounding climate change, including the polar ice caps melting,

plastic in the ocean and on our beaches,

They made posters together to highlight previous discussions

and were happy to walk together around the nursery hoping

that the community would listen to them!