Immaculate Heart High School

General Information

Address: 5515 Franklin Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90028 (map)

Phone Number: (323) 461-3651


Grades offered: 9th - 12th

School type: Merit (Parochial)

Academic Performance

Graduation rate (2019-20)


A-G completion rate (2019-20)


4-year college acceptance rate (2019-20)


Source: Self-reported by the school

English & Math proficiency rates (2018-19)

Private schools do not participate in the state standards exam.

School Description

Immaculate Heart is a Catholic, independent, college preparatory school dedicated to the intellectual vitality, spiritual growth, moral strength, and social-emotional development of its students. Immaculate Heart fosters academic excellence and creativity in an environment that empowers students to become women of great heart and right conscience. Students embrace a life-long commitment to compassionate service, leadership, and humanitarian values.

Application Information