Chinese Language & Culture

Watch this video providing an overview of the Chinese Language and Culture Program at LaZerte!

Watch LaZerte students perform the Lunar New Year "Winter Dance", February, 2022

Watch LaZerte students perform the Lunar New Year "Lion Dance", February, 2022

Hear Chinese Language & Culture students talk about their experiences in the program

Chinese Language & Culture

10-3Y, 20-3Y, 30-3Y

(5 credits each)

These courses will offer you a good look at China’s unique ancient history and its modern-day development. You will meet new friends, experience a new culture and, at the same time, learn conversational Chinese. The IB course will fast-track students to a higher level of proficiency in language acquisition.

Chinese Language & Culture

10-6Y, 20-6Y, 30-6Y

(5 credits each)

In these courses you will become more confident using the language. You will have the chance to speak, write, read, create multimedia presentations and perform in Chinese. Different cultural activities will also keep your learning interesting. In the future, your language skills will help you become highly competitive in the global job market.

Chinese Language Arts

10, 20, 30

(5 credits each)

These courses will allow you to explore many aspects of this unique language. After studying varied themes, such as sports, travel, holidays and relationships, your Chinese language skills will become more sophisticated.

Please email Ling Zheng & Melanie Chan at, if you have any additional questions about Chinese Language & Culture.