Paige Farmer


Job Title/Employer

Owner of Dear Sadie, LLC 

Why did you say "yes" to EPIC?

I joined EPIC for an opportunity to meet new people, network and grow my personal and business brand in Ross County. However, it has became much more than that! It's not only helped me navigate new friendships and opportunities, but has increased my self-confidence and motivation! 

What is your favorite thing about Chillicothe and Ross County?

I have loved watching Chillicothe grow over the years! Sure, all cities grow, and change, but Chillicothe has become a circle of family. We're all close and most people are willing to step out of the box to help someone and I love being a part of that. I love all of the small businesses and seeing the motivation behind business owners - it's addicting and contagious! The symbolism of downtown is heartwarming and I love that for generations to come!

What is your favorite hobby?

I love reading and being a mom (to my plants, dogs and kids)!