Screen Casting

Screen Casting

-Record Presentations (Saves time in class, digital portfolios, peer feedback)

-Demonstrating a Process (Ex. Record as they answer a math problem)

Screencastify Keyboard Shortcuts

Screen Castify

-Free Chrome Extension

-Record, Webcam, Audio

-10 minute per video

-Up to 50 recordings per month

-Upload to Google Drive, Google Classroom, or YouTube

Hide Toolbar: Option + T

Hide mouse when not moving: Option + H

Eraser tool: Option + E

Wipe screen (erase all annotations): Option + Z

Embed webcam: Option + C

Mouse pointer: Option + M

Start / stop recording: Option + Shift + R

Pause / resume recording: Option + Shift + P

Open / close extension: Option + Shift + S

Focus Mouse

Option + F

Great for product demos or how-tos, this directs your viewer's eye exactly where you want it to go.

Annotate with Pen Tool

Option + F

Perfect for highlighting particular elements of your screen and making your presentation more visual.

Capture Cast

-Free Chrome Extension

-Record Screen, webcam, audio

-No Time Limit

-Upload to YouTube, Vimeo, Google Drive (Cannot upload to Google Classroom)

Tools to integrate with Screen Casts:

  • NearPod
  • Piktochart
  • Diigo
  • Realtime Board (Collaborative projects, Mindmaps)

You can also turn short screen casts into GIFs (animated image files)