Bangor University Innovation Leadership Training
£££ TBC
*Gweler Telerau ac Amodau
£££ TBC
*See Terms and Conditions

Kailesh Karavadra (Bangor Alumnus / Partner, EY, Palo Alto, CA, US.)
“Why do we start with diets when we think about food systems transformation? Because unless you change what consumers demand, you’re not going to change what producers are producing.”
— Abhishek Jain, Fellow and Director at Council of Energy, Environment and Water
Hoffech chi wella eich CV a chael mwy o brofiad gydag Arloesi ac Entrepreneuriaeth i gael gwell rhagolygon cyflogadwyedd?
Hoffech chi gyfarfod a gweithio gyda myfyrwyr eraill mewn grwpiau tuag at nod ystyrlon a phwrpasol i'w roi rhywbeth yn ôl i'r gymuned?
Hoffech chi ddatblygu syniad lle mae gobaith ennill rhywfaint o arian i’w ddatblygu ymhellach?
Would you like to enhance your CV and experiences on Innovation and Entrepreneurship for better employability prospects?
Would you like to meet and work with other students in groups for a meaningful and purposeful goal to give back to the community?
Would you like to develop an idea that could win you some money for further development?
“When I think about our food system, I envision a world with a multitude of local and regional food systems. Where resilience is a more central goal than efficiency and where we have food rooted in community and food sovereignty.”
— Stacey Faella, Executive Director at the Woodcock Foundation
Mae'r dull yn cael ei arwain gan ddyluniad a'i gymhwyso. Rhoddir cyflwyniad i ddamcaniaeth dylunio, ond dim ond i helpu i fframio dilyniant y gweithgareddau.
Byddwch yn dysgu trwy wneud, a thrwy wneud byddwch yn cael mwy o effaith gadarnhaol.
Caiff y broses a ddilynir ei llywio gan raglenni sydd wedi ennill gwobrau, Enterprise by Design ac elop/POLAR.
Mae fideos o elop isod yn rhoi syniad o sut y byddwch chi'n gweithio, sy'n gyson â Deddf Llesiant Cenedlaethau'r Dyfodol.
The approach is design-led and applied. An introduction to design theory will be given, but only to help frame the sequence of activities.
You will learn by doing, and by doing you will have greater positive impact.
The process followed is informed by award winning programmes Enterprise by Design and elop/ POLAR.
Videos from elop below give a sense of how you will work, which is consistent with the Wellbeing of Future Generations Act.

1. Dyfodol

3. Agoredrwydd

2. Cydweithio

4. Cysylltiadau

1. Future

3. Openess

2. Collaboration

4. Connections
Telerau ac Amodau
*CRONFA WOBRAU I DIMAU: hyd yma, mae cronfa wobrau o £5K wedi ei chadarnhau. Mae cyn-fyfyriwr hael wedi addo £10K arall ond disgwylir cadarnhad am hyn. Mae targed o £25k wedi ei osod ac mae gweithgareddau codi arian yn parhau. Cyhoeddir gwerth terfynol y gronfa wobrau ar ddechrau'r rhaglen. Bydd y gronfa wobrau yn cael ei dosrannu i’r timau buddugol gan ddefnyddio'r gymhareb ganlynol: 10: 3: 2, i’r 1af, 2ail, a'r 3ydd. Bydd gwobrau a ddyfernir yn cael eu rhannu ymhlith aelodau’r tîm yn unol â “chytundeb cyfranddalwyr” a lofnodir gan bob aelod o’r tîm cyn cyflwyno eu cynnig, fel amod cymhwyster. Bydd penderfyniad y beirniaid yn derfynol ac yn seiliedig ar feini prawf y cytunir arnynt ymlaen llaw ac a gyflwynir fel rhan o'r rhaglen.
Terms and Conditions
*TEAM PRIZE FUND: a prize fund of £5K has been confirmed, so far. A further £10K has been pledged by a generous alumnus and is expected but is subject to confirmation. A target of £25k has been set and fundraising is ongoing. The final Prize Fund will be announced at the start of the programme. The Prize fund will be apportioned to winning teams using the following ratio: 10: 3: 2, for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places. Prizes awarded will be shared among team members according to a “shareholders agreement” that will be agreed and signed by all team members before presenting their proposal, as a condition of eligibility. The judges’ decision will be final and will be based on pre-agreed criteria that will be introduced as part of the programme.