OAuth Overview

What is OAuth, and why do we need it?

If you’ve ever seen a webapp that allows you to “Login with Facebook”, “Login with Google”, etc. as in the images below, then you’ve seen an example of a webapp that is probably using OAuth.

  1. OAuth allows one web application to delegate the function of “username/password” checking, and account management (creating, updating, verifying and deleting accounts) to some other service, such as Google, Facebook, Github, Twitter, etc.

These other services are called OAuth Providers and the webapp that uses the service is called an OAuth Client.

The version of OAuth (as of Summer 2020, when this lesson is being updated) that is most current and should be used for new applications is OAuth2.

Why not implement a username/password account feature from scratch?

You could do that. This article explains an approach to implementing do-it-yourself account creation (usernames, passwords, email verifiction, password reset, etc.) using Flask and an SQL database.

HOWEVER, that would probably take you at least a week, and it would probably be the only thing your webapp would be able to do. It is a classic case of “reinventing the wheel”.

During SPIS, we have just about a week to implement a full web app from start (initial brainstorming) to finished product (demos on Friday of Week 5.) It doesn’t make sense to spend time doing something that is a “commodity feature” like account management, especially when delegating that to an OAuth provider is much more straightforward.

Do I even need user logins in my SPIS webapp project?

Maybe — maybe not. There is a below section that will ask a few questions to see whether you need authentication (user login/logout functionality) or not. It will also check to see what level of user authentication you might need.

There are a few simple questions to determine whether your web app needs user logins or not:

  1. Do you need to save any information between sessions?

    • If the answer is yes, then that means your web app will need a database. And if you need a database, you’ll need user logins, so you’ll need OAuth.

    • This is true even if you don’t think you need to save any particular information about individual users.

    • The reason has to do with security and accountability. Any webapp that let’s users upload content without authentication quickly becomes a cesspool of spam, left by bots and trolls.

    • Requiring logins—and tracking which users have uploaded which content—gives you some degree of control over this.

    • It doesn’t entirely prevent abuse, but it does slow down the process, and give you some way to ban specific abusive accounts.

    • An even better way is to require not only a login, but an “approved” account.

    • The sample code we are providing shows a particular way of doing this, levering the Github organization feature. More on that later.

  2. Do you want users to be able to save personalized information and preferences on your site?

    • If the answer is yes, then you’ll need user logins, so you’ll need OAuth

    • You’ll also need a database of some kind in which to store those user preferences.

    • While your app will not be storing the username/password information, your app will update a a table/dictionary of users, keyed by the username.

    • Each time a user logs in, you’ll be told by the OAuth provider what that user’s login username is; you’ll look up the user in that table. If that user doesn’t already exist, you’ll create a new entry in the table for that user.

  3. Is your application one that can:

    • give answers entirely based on information the user enters during a single session of use, AND

    • does NOT need to remember anything from one session to the next (only from one page to the next), AND

    • respond to user queries based on information that is either freely available online with no authentication, OR can be hard-coded in a static file that you keep with your application?

If so, then you probably do NOT need user logins, or OAuth. You don’t need to read the rest of of this page. But there are very few webapps for which that is true.

We’ll use Github as our OAuth provider, at least initially

If you do need user authentication, I highly recommend using OAuth based on Github as the way to proceed, at least initially. You can switch to Facebook, Google, Twitter, etc. or add them as additional options later if you so choose. (There is section below that explains why we are using Github as our initial OAuth provider below.)

Why Github as our OAuth provider?

Here’s why we are using Github as the OAuth provider for our sample applications:

  • Everyone in SPIS has a Github account, so everyone in SPIS will be able to test your application

  • For certain applications, we can use the class organization, ucsd-cse-spis-2020 as a way to further restrict logins only to people that we know (e.g. if we are using personal data or pictures that have been shared with the SPIS 2020 community, but that members of that community may not wish to be available to the general “github account having” public.)

  • Focusing on a single provider for our initial documentation of the process makes things much easier.

  • The instructional staff has more experience with Github’s OAuth system than with the other OAuth providers out there.

Example code:

Below are two example repos with code for using OAuth Authentication with Github in a Flask Applicaiton.

Each of the repos below requires a bit more explanation—the code won’t just “run” without these important configuration steps:

  1. Creating a client_id and client_secret specific to your instance of this application.

    • You have to do this from scratch each time you move the application to a different host or port number

    • That means you have to do this step once for running on your local machine/Repl.it and a second time if/when you run on Heroku

    • Instructions for creating those are here: Github OAuth Setup

  2. Putting the client_id and client_secret, along with perhaps other configuration, into either:

    • an appropriate env.sh file (if running locally your own computer or Repl.it), OR

    • the Heroku Config Vars screen (if running on Heroku)

    • You can get an explanation of how to do this in detail here

Here are the code examples:

  • Github OAuth (anyone with Github account can login): https://spis20-oauth-example.herokuapp.com/

    • If you have a github account, you can log in.

    • This app only works with sessions; no connection to a database

    • No ability to store user preferences, or any other persistent data

  • Github OAuth based on organization membership: https://spis20-oauth-github-org.herokuapp.com/

    • Checks if you have a github account, AND if you are a member of specific github organization specified by the application (e.g. ucsd-cse-spis-2020, for example.)

    • Like preceding one, this app only works with sessions; no connection to a database

    • No ability to store user preferences, or any other persistent data

Using Flask-OAuthlib

Flask-OAuthlib is a Python module that you can use to add authentication to your webapp via any OAuth provider.

In this section, we’ll discuss how to use Github as our OAuth provider, since every SPIS participant has a Github account.

pip install Flask-OAuthlib

First, on any system where you want to use this library, you need to install it.

On Repl.it, that's:

pip install Flask-OAuthlib

On Mac or Windows (if you're coding locally), it’s probably just:

pip install Flask-OAuthlib

If you run into problems with that, ask a mentor or instructor for assistance.
