Using Paper.js - a Client-side Canvas Library

What is paper.js?

Paper.js, which is online at, is a client client-side library for working with the Canvas element.

If you want to draw graphics on a web page “on the fly”, and/or allow manipulation of graphics right in the browser, paperjs may be the tool you want.

Example of paper.js with Flask

Here is an running example on Heroku (it's embedded below so you don't have to open the link if you don't want to):

And here is the repository of code that makes that example work:

More cool examples of paper.js

Here are some awesome examples of things you could do with paper.js! You can look there for inspiration, but note that the code is written in JavaScript and not Python (though it could be written in python as well).

Alternatives to paper.js

Another option is processingjs, which is a browser-based implementation of a programming language known as Processing:

  • The chief advantages of processingjs over paper.js is that more people know Processing, and you are more likely to use it in future CS, CSE, or Cognitive Science courses.

  • One key advantage of paper.js over Processing is that with paper.js, it is easy to save/restore the things you draw to and from SVG, a plain text representation of your drawing as vector graphics.

    • With processing, all you have is pixels (digital ink on paper.)

    • With paper.js, you can save and retrieve what you have drawn, and do computations on it.