Potential Name: Bean in a Box

Normothermic Ex Vivo Kidney Device

Manuel Abitia | Joseph Elhardt | Ethan Kozberg
Victor Leung | Vivi Nguyen

Sponsored by Dr. Peter A. Than and Dr. Aleah L. Brubaker

**make sure to see previews bc scaling is off*

Project Background and Objective

During the last couple years, organ transplantation has faced a significant challenge due to the increase shortage of organ donors. Just in the United States, a patient dies every 17 minutes in the waiting list for an organ. Although 25,000 kidney transplants are performed annually, 40,000 people are still added to the waiting list each year. Additionally, 25% of kidneys recovered for transplantation in 2021 were discarded due to concerns about inadequacy for transplantation. Therefore, improved techniques for organ preservation, assessment, and organ-directed interventions to improve function are critically needed to expand the donor organ pool, reduce discarded kidneys, and lessen the gap between supply and demand.

To address this issue, our main objective is developing an ex vivo normothermic perfusion device which is an emerging medical instrument used in organ transplantation for preserving, real-time monitoring, and providing an optimal temperature condition (37°C) for organ repair. They serve as an alternative to cold storage mechanisms as they maintain blood circulation and oxygenation to vital organs for a longer time, improving the organ grafting procedure before surgery.

Device Description 

An ex vivo normothermic perfusion device circulates perfusate, or fluid that is used to sustain the organ, that is heated, oxygenated, and delivered to the kidney to keep it alive outside the body. The perfusate and kidney are kept at 37 degrees Celsius, normal body temperature. An oxygenator replaces the lungs by passing the perfusate through a membrane where oxygen can be introduced and carbon dioxide is removed. A roller/peristaltic pump is used to move the perfusate along the circuit.

Performance Results

Probably a table with data and measurements of the experiment 

Images Gallery with arrows 

Executive Summary

Include link of the executive summary (project report).

Final Design


Note: Design wise the final design should be on the cover page bc that's what we are showcasing. Then on the other page we can go more in detail. so just a snippet ***IF POSSIBLE, A VIDEO OF IT ACTUALLY WORKING** 

Picture of Overall Project

Team photo with project.

Final presentation 

Final Presentation

Project Site Information (Remove Later) 

Guidelines for Creating your Project Webpage

See guidelines for creating your webpage and review examples of good pages.