MAE Undergraduate Mentorship Program

~Looking for Graduate or Postdoc mentors~

Interested? See the Get Involved page or contact us.

What we do

The purpose of the MAE Undergraduate Mentorship Program is to connect undergraduate students with graduate or postdoctoral mentors who can provide guidance related to career paths, professional skills, and undergraduate and graduate life. The program is open to both under- and upper-classmen, the latter can be paired with both an undergraduate mentee and a graduate or postdoctoral mentor.

Mentors and mentees meet individually 1-2 times per month during the Winter and Spring quarters, in addition to monthly program-wide meetings centered around topics such as leadership and personal values.

How to get involved

We accept new participants (both mentors and mentees) anytime during the Winter and Spring quarters. See the Get Involved page.

Upcoming group events are listed on the calendar.

Who we are

The MAE Undergraduate Mentorship Program is run by the MAE Graduate Women's Group with the help of our graduate and postdoctoral mentors. This program is open to all genders.