Our Purpose

Eagle Parent Association (EPA) is committed to strengthening the partnership between parents and the school, to enhance student experience, to raise funds for the benefit of school programs, and build community through events and volunteer opportunities.

Together we CONNECT, SUPPORT, and SERVE Nashville Christian School

Who is a Member?

If you are a parent, grandparent or guardian of a student at NCS, you are a member of the Eagle Parent Association.   

Past Events

Upcoming Events

Teacher Happy

The EPA provides a Teacher Happy each month.  If you are interested in blessing our teachers by sponsoring a Teacher Happy, email us HERE

Scholarship Opportunities & Volunteering

Through your service as a high school parent volunteer, your high school student will be eligible for a scholarship awarded by the Eagle Parent Association. This amazing opportunity is available to students whose parents volunteer and serve with the EPA for a minimum of two years while their student is in high school. In 2023, four $1000 scholarships were awarded to NCS seniors! 

School Links


Click here for a complete listing of upcoming School Events