個人簡介(Personal Resume)

梁福鎮博士(Dr. Frank Liang),臺灣省南投縣人,現任國立中興大學終身特聘教授國立臺灣師範大學教育心理與輔導學系教育學學士(1989),國立臺灣師範大學教育學系教育學碩士(1991),德國柏林洪保特大學教育科學研究所哲學博士(1997),主修教育學,副修哲學與漢學。曾任國立中正大學教育學程中心助理教授(1997-1999),國立中興大學教育學程中心助理教授(1999-2002)、師資培育中心副教授(2002-2006)、教授(2006-2012)、主任(2007-2011, 2014-2015, 2020-2023)、教師專業發展研究所所長(2007-2011, 2014-2015, 2020-2023)、法政學院院長(2015-2018)、教育部諮詢委員、考選部典試委員、國科會審查委員、國家教育研究院命題委員。德國教育科學學會柏林洪保特大學協會中華民國師範教育學會臺灣教育哲學學會會員與臺灣歐洲聯盟中心諮詢委員,著有《普通教育學》、《審美教育學》、《改革教育學》、《教育哲學》、《教育行政學》 、《比較教育學》等書,學術論文百餘篇。 

NAME:Frank Liang   TEL:(04)22840668*705   FAX:(04)22853362  ROOM:705  EMAIL:liang@dragon.nchu.edu.tw

Dr. Frank Liang was born at Nantou of Taiwan. He is a lifetime distinguished Professor of National Chung Hsing University now. He got bachelor of pedagogy degree from Department of Educational psychology and Counseling of National Taiwan Normal University in 1989, master of pedagogy degree from Graduate Institute of Education at this university in 1991 and doctor of philosophy degree from Institute of Educational Science at Humboldt University of Berlin in 1997. Then he worked as assistant professor from 1997 to 1999 at Center for Educational Program of National Chung Cheng University. From 1999 to 2002 he was an assistant professor of Center for Educational Program NCHU. He worked as associate professor from 2002 to 2006 and professor from 2006 at the same institution. He was director of this center and  institution from 2007 to 2011, 2014 to 2015 and 2020 to 2023. From 2015 to 2018 he was dean of College of Law and Politics in this university.  He is not only a member of advisory committee of Ministry of Education, examination committee of Ministry of Examination,  review committee of National Science and Technology Council and proposition committee of National Academy for Educational Research, but also a member of German Educational Research Association, Humboldt University Association, Taiwan Philosophy of Education Society, Chinese Society for Normal Education and advisory committee of European Union Center in Taiwan. His publication includes “General Pedagogy”, “Aesthetic Pedagogy”, “Reform Pedagogy”, “Philosophy of Education”, “Educational Administration”, “Comparative Pedagogy” and over one hundred academic articles.

學術榮譽(Academic Honor)

學術團體(Academic Groups)

學歷 (Education) 

經歷 (Experience)

一、諮詢委員(Member of Advisory Committee)

二、編輯委員(Editorial Member)

三、審查委員(Member of Review Committee)

四、評鑑委員(Member of Evaluation Committee)

五、遴選委員(Member of Selection Committee)

六、兼任教授(Part Time Professor)

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