Math 408 Fall 2023

General Info

Course title and number: Introduction to Abstract Algebra MATH 408

 Term: Fall 2023

 Class time and location:T/Th 12:00PM-1:50PM NETH 243

Instructor: Nathan Green


 Office: NETH 221

 Office hours: Wednesday 2-4 Walk in, M/F 3-5 by appointment, T/Th 3-5 by appointment, other times by appointment if necessary



Here the current syllabus.

Math 408 Abstract Algebra 2023

Approximate Schedule

This schedule give the approximate dates of topics for the next week or so.

Practice Midterms

These midterms were given in a previous quarter by another professor at UCSD, but they are good practice!

Link to schedule (note solutions are also posted there):

Homework Assignments

Homework assignments will be posted here.

HW4Fall408 (1).pdf
HW5Fall408 (1).pdf
HW6Fall408 (1).pdf

Lecture Notes

Will be uploaded here as each section is completed.

1 Intro To Groups 23.pdf
2 Binary Operations 23.pdf
3 Isomorphic Binary Operations 23.pdf
4 Groups 23.pdf
5 Subgroups 23.pdf
6 Cyclic Groups 23.pdf
8 Permutation Groups 23.pdf
9 Orbits And Cycles 23.pdf
10 Cosets And Lagranges Theorem 23.pdf
11 Direct Products And Finite Abelian Groups 23.pdf
Discrete Log Problem And Cryptography 23.pdf
13 Homomorphisms 23.pdf
14 Quotient Groups23.pdf
18 Rings And Fields 23.pdf
19 Integral Domains 23.pdf
20 Fermat And Euler23.pdf
Exam 2 Review 23.pdf
23 Factoring Polynomials23.pdf

Old Lecture Notes

Lecture notes from previous years.

1 Intro To Groups.pdf
2 Binary Operations 2022.pdf
3 Isomorphisms 2022.pdf
4 Groups 2022.pdf
5 Subgroups 2022.pdf
6 Cyclic Groups 2022.pdf
8 Permutation Groups 2022.pdf
9 Obits Etc 2022.pdf
10 Cosets And Legrange.pdf
11 Direct Prods 2022.pdf
13 Homomorphisms 2022.pdf
14 Quotient Groups 2022.pdf
18 Rings And Fields 2022.pdf
19 Integral Domains 2022.pdf
20 Fermat And Euler 2022.pdf
21 Field Of Fractions 2022.pdf
AKS Primality Test 2022.pdf

Homework Solutions
