Title: Measuring University Performance: Trends in Higher Education Research and Development Expenditures


Since 2000, The Center for Measuring University Performance (MUP) has focused on the competitive national context for major research universities. Tracking key metrics that define and measure success drives institutions towards higher performance. Among the nine key metrics that MUP cleans and tracks data from is NSF Higher Education Research and Development (HERD) survey. Though focus naturally falls to rankings and a particular institution’s ranking, there is much more the HERD data tells us about research expenditure patterns in the US. This talk will focus on recent trends in R&D expenditures in higher education, how institutional focus impacts rankings, that a few institutions dominate the higher education R&D market and that most of the significant movement occurs among lower ranked institutions. The institutions that dominate have greater resources to outcompete others for faculty and students.


Craig W. Abbey

Research Director, The Center for Measuring University Performance, and

Vice Provost for Institutional Analysis and Planning

University at Buffalo

Date/Time: Feburary 11, 2022, 2:00PM MST (Arizona), 4:00PM EDT

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jh0DvDM7oH4