Title: Data are not enough - an initial approach to fostering and supporting a data-informed, student-centered institution


At UC Davis we are focused on supporting systemic change to improve undergraduate student outcomes. We are using a locally generated Cycle of Progress for sustainable change that consist of 4 cyclical phases - Awareness, Understanding, Action, Reflection, and repeat. Realizing there are many efforts focused on students but far fewer focused on helping faculty, departmental and university leaders, we saw a need to help faculty and faculty administrators better understand who their students are and the barriers challenging equitable outcomes. In our efforts, we developed an approach to communicating student outcomes that looked at the intersectionality of first generation, low income and race/ethnicity variables on student short term and long term outcomes globally at our university. We are now extending the approach to course sequences in departments and individual faculty in their classrooms. This approach is guiding us in working collaboratively with faculty while enhancing the use of existing resources to improve learning opportunities for students who have had limited opportunity prior to coming to our institution. In this presentation I will focus on approaches to effectively communicating challenges to equitable outcomes, a basic understanding of the systemic factors challenging equitable outcomes and how analyses and tools aimed at multiple levels within the university can begin to make a difference.


Marco Molinaro

Assistant Vice Provost for Educational Effectiveness

UC Davis

Date/Time: April 1, 2022, 2:00PM MST (Arizona), 5:00PM Eastern Time

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=05dOF8_5uIk