Knights of the Round Table

Students feel more connected to their school when they believe that the adults and other students at school not only care about how well they are learning, but also care about them as individuals. Young people who feel connected to school are more likely to succeed academically and make healthy choices.

  • Why is school connectedness important for your students?

  • School connectedness is an important factor in both health and learning. Students who feel connected to their school are:

  • More likely to attend school regularly, stay in school longer, and have higher grades and test scores.

  • Less likely to smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol, or have sexual intercourse.

  • Less likely to carry weapons, become involved in violence, or be injured from dangerous activities such as drinking and driving or not wearing seat belts.

  • Less likely to have emotional problems, suffer from eating disorders, or experience suicidal thoughts or attempts.

- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2009

Our KORT program allows for every staff member to meet with small groups of students across the grades. We believe this builds community, connectedness and strong peer and adult relationships. The dates for the year have been identified below, so please mark your calendars accordingly. On these days we will be following the KORT bell schedule.

Please click on the KORT dates below to see pictures of the activities.
