Music Room Expectations

This year our classroom rules follow the letters in the word Music:

  • M Make good choices
  • U Use kind words
  • S Show respect to classmates, teacher, and music
  • I Involve yourself in activities
  • C Care for music room equipment

At the beginning of the year, we spend a lot of time talking about the classroom rules and procedures so that the students know what is expected when they come to music each week. The overall goal is to make good choices and show respect to the teacher, each other, and our classroom equipment.

The procedures in the classroom follow along with the classroom rules.

  • Making good choices: Enter the classroom quietly and find assigned seats. When exiting, line up as Mrs. Crawford has instructed, quietly, ready to enter the hallway at a level of zero.
  • Use kind words: Always have positive things to say about others. We treat others how we would want to be treated.
  • Show respect: Show respect so that Mrs. Crawford knows that each student is following instructions and has a willingness to learn something new.
  • Involve yourself in activities: Be willing to participate in all of the activities. This is a class of movement and everyone is expected to give it a "try."
  • Care for music room equipment: Play the instruments as directed by Mrs. Crawford. Respecting the instruments and other equipment will prevent that equipment from damage. Each instrument has a certain way that it should be played in order for it to perform as it is designed.

For all grade levels, we use a positive behavior system to work toward earning a Reward Day. Our goal each class period is to earn 4,000 points. Each class can earn these points in four ways; entering the classroom quietly (1,000 points), participate in the activities (1,000 points), listen and follow directions (1,000 points), and line up quietly (1,000 points). At the end of the class period, if they receive 4,000 points, the class earns one "key" or step forward on the keyboard. When the class reaches the end of the keyboard, we will celebrate by having a reward day! Reward day will consist of the students choosing activities that we have done in the past that were their favorites.

For a little fun and incentive, the classes are competing to be the class of the week. The first class that receives 24,000 points will earn that title. Grades 3-5 and grades K-2 compete for this big honor in music.

This class behavior system is separate from the student's individual music scores and the final outcome of this reward system has no bearing on any of the student's grade. Much of our assessment of the student's progress comes from in-class participation, performance and written assessments.