Physical Education

Physical Education Class FAQ's

No, you do not need to purchase one.  EMS will issue each student a uniform and wash them at school.

Items that are handy to have in your PE locker are deodorant, body spray, extra socks, hairbrush/hair ties, and tennis shoes that can be left at school.

If you have an injury that will prevent you from participating in class, a parent note will be required for the first two days.  After that, it will need to be a note from a physician.  No student will completely sit out.  An alternate assignment or workout will be given.   Menstrual cycles are not considered injuries and will not be a reason for non-participation in class. 

Just like any other class you miss, you will have an assignment to do.  For each day that you are absent, you will need to do 30 minutes of activity that raises your heart rate.  This can be walking your dog, going to the YMCA and swimming, working out to a Youtube video, and using a DAREBEE workout are just a few examples.  Once the workout is completed, you will fill out and sign an Absent form found on Mrs. Cooper's desk.