Taking action

Summary of Criterion C for your report:

C1. Creating a product/outcome in response to the goal, global context and criteria:

  • You must provide an explanation or analysis of how you achieved the project’s goal and connected it to your selected global context, creating a product/outcome with clear reference to the criteria for its success.
  • Make sure your product/outcome is tested or assessed by the target audience, for which it is intended, especially in the case of campaigns to raise awareness to groups of people.
  • Evidence of the product (5 good clear images, or 30 seconds of video) must be provided in the appendices of the report.

C2. Demonstrating thinking skills:

  • Provide an explanation or analysis of the research, critical and creative thinking skills used in the project
  • Provide examples of evidence of where/when/how you used each skill.
  • Explain and demonstrate the transfer of learning from your research to generate new ideas or solve problems that help to achieve the project’s goal.

C3. Demonstrating communication and social skills

  • Provide an explanation or demonstrate effective interaction with those relevant to the project using appropriate modes of communication.