Stakeholder Session

セッション速報報告様式(1-2東京都)240708 (1).pdf


Organization: Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT)  


Flood risk assessment and flood control efforts using climate change impact prediction

<概要 -Outline->



 In Japan, various studies in related to prediction of future rainfall change under climate change have been performed in collaboration with Japan’s researchers, and flood risk assessment are being studied and flood control plans are being revised using the output of these studies. Moreover, Japan is promoting “River basin disaster resilience and sustainability by all” in each river basin. In this session, we will share information on the current efforts in Japan and related studies overseas and discuss the future direction of these efforts.

<プログラム -Program->

1.発表 Presentation

下記発表者による  by the presenters listed below


2.パネルディスカッション  Panel Discussion

コーディネーター Coordinator:

佐山敬洋 京都大学防災研究所 教授

Takahiro SAYAMA, Professor, Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University

パネラー Panelist :その他の発表者 Presenters listed below

<講演者・講演タイトル -Presenter and Title->

①佐山敬洋 京都大学防災研究所 教授

   Takahiro SAYAMA, Professor, Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University

Title: 日本全国を対象とした気候変動下の洪水リスク評価に関する取り組み

Toward Nationwide Flood Risk Assessment Under Climate Change


②小澤盛生 国土交通省水管理・国土保全局河川計画課河川計画調整室長

          Morio OZAWA, Director for River planning coordination, River Planning Division, Water and Disaster Management Bureau, 

          Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT)

Title: 気候変動影響を踏まえた治水計画の見直し、流域治水の展開

Revising flood control plans considering climate change impact, and promoting “River basin disaster resilience and sustainability by all”


③中津川 誠 室蘭工業大学大学院工学研究科 教授

         Prof. Makoto NAKATSUGAWA, Muroran Institute of Technology

Title: 北海道地方における気候変動を踏まえた治水対策の検討と実装

            Investigation and Implementation of Flood Control Measures Considering Climate Change in Hokkaido Region


④斎藤 貴視 岩見沢市 農政部農業基盤整備課長

         Takami SAITO, Chief of Agricultural Infrastructure Development Division, Agricultural Administration Department, Iwamizawa City, Hokkaido

Title: 想いやりの共感が育んだ「田んぼダム」

“Paddy Field Dams” Through Compassion and Empathy


⑤斉藤 圭 日清食品ホールディングス株式会社 経営企画部 次長

         Kei SAITO, Deputy General Manager, Corporate Planning Division, NISSIN FOODS HOLDINGS CO., LTD

Title: TCFD提言を踏まえた気候変動に係るリスク・機会の評価・管理

Assessment and management of risks and opportunities related to climate change based on TCFD recommendations


⑥Daniel B. Wright, Arno Lenz Memorial Associate Professor of Water Resources Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA

Title: Process-Based Flood Frequency Analysis in a Warming Climate


⑦Bas Kolen, PhD, Executive Director, Senior Consultant Risk and Disaster Management

Title: 洪水リスクと海面上昇に関するオランダの課題と将来の選択肢

Dutch challenges and possible future choices with regard flood risk and sea level rise


Organization: AORI, University of Tokyo, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology,  Japan Meteorological Business Support Center, Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology   


Water cycle changes over Asia: from attribution to adaptation  how to communicate advanced information on climate and hazard projections to the general public 

<概要 -Outline->




More than half of the world’s population is concentrated in Asia, where society relies on the complex and vital water cycle associated with the monsoon. The Asian monsoon system is a critical driver of the regional water cycle. GEWEX research aims to improve our understanding of the complex interactions between atmospheric circulation, ocean currents, and land-surface processes that influence the strength, timing, and spatial distribution of monsoon precipitation. This knowledge is crucial for projecting water cycles over Asia and its impacts on water resources, agriculture, and natural hazards. Climate change is projected to distinctly alter the Asian water cycle. Atmospheric and hydrologic scientists focus on quantifying the potential changes in precipitation patterns, snowmelt, and evapotranspiration under different climate scenarios. Emerging climate changes have discernibly influenced this region by altering the mean water cycle and weather extremes. This session will explore the scientific progress in event attribution to determine the extent to which human-caused climate change has influenced the changes in the water cycle, as well as in climate and hazard. The session will address impact assessments of climate changes and adaptations utilizing dynamical downscaling and considering human activities, and an online one-stop shop for information and resources to adaptation to help individuals and organizations. Furthermore, the session will address the challenges associated with communicating the results of climate change impact assessments and adaptation strategies. These challenges include the difficulties encountered by stakeholders and scientists in effectively communicating scientific information to the general public, such as using jargon-free language, framing information with a focus on solutions, and tailoring messages to resonate with specific audiences.

The session will commence with seven invited talks on various topics, followed by a panel discussion on effective communication strategies that bridge the gap between science and society. Our goal is to translate scientific information on water-relevant hazards into clear and actionable messages for the stakeholders and general public.

The session will include invited presentations from researchers working on event attribution and impact assessments on water in Asia, as well as a panel discussion on science communication strategies with flash talks.

話者 -Speaker->

アンディ ピットマン(ニューサウスウェールズ大学 教授)

Andy Pitman (Professor, the University of New South Wales)


          Downscaling and machine learning for climate projections in Australia

フェイエ クルッツ(マニラ観測所 室長)

Faye Cruz (Head, Manila Observatory)


  Co-generating climate information in the Philippines

今田 由紀子(東京大学大気海洋研究所 准教授)

      Yukiko Imada (Associate Professor, AORI, the University of Tokyo)


          Dialogue with stakeholders through extreme event attribution

田中 賢治(京都大学防災研究所 教授)

Kenji Tanaka (Professor, DPRI, Kyoto University)


 Integrated hazard projections and some applications to national policy

花崎 直太(国立環境研究所 室長; 東京大学 客員教授)

Naota Hanasaki (Head, National Institute for Environmental Studies; Visiting Professor, the University of Tokyo)


Some activities at the Center for Climate Change Adaptation (CCCA)

ルビー リョング(太平洋岸北西部国立研究所 バテルフェロー)

Ruby Leung (Battelle Fellow, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)


    Climate risk and co-production of knowledge

サミット セン(インド工科大学ルールキー校 教授)

Sumit Sen (Professor, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee)


 Leveraging Hydrometeorological Insights to Strengthen Urban Himalayan Resilience Against Floods

後藤 歩(クライメート・ダイアログ 代表理事)

Ayumu Goto (Representative director, Climate Dialogue Japan)

鈴木 啓明(北海道立総合研究機構 主査)

Hiroaki Suzuki (Chief investigator, Hokkaido Research Organization)

渡部 雅浩(東京大学大気海洋研究所 教授)

Masahito Watanabe (Professor, Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo) 


Organization: Tokyo Metropolitan Government


Initiatives taken by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government against flood and storms considering climate change  

<概要 -Outline->




As rainfall is expected to increase in the future due to climate change, there is an urgent need to strengthen measures against heavy rains that are becoming more intense and frequent in Tokyo, where the population and assets are concentrated and the land is highly used.

The TMG has launched the "TOKYO Resilience Project" which will tackle the five risks[floods and storms, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, disruptions of power, communications, etc., and infectious diseases]. The TMG continues working to become a resilient and sustainable Tokyo that can be secure for the next 100 years.

This session will introduce the latest initiatives related to floods and storms. We would like to exchange opinions with related organizations both domestically and internationally, and use the knowledge we have gained to promote Tokyo's initiatives.

<話者 -Speaker->

三宮 隆(東京都 都市整備局 理事)

Takashi Sannomiya (Executive Director, Bureau of Urban Development, Tokyo Metropolitan Government)

斉藤 有(東京都 建設局 河川部長)

Tamotsu Saito (Department Manager, Bureau of Construction,River Department, Tokyo Metropolitan Government)

藤橋 知一(東京都 下水道局 計画調整部長)

Tomoichi Fujihashi (Department Manager, Planning and Coordination Department, Bureau of Sewerage, Tokyo Metropolitan Government)

山田 正(中央大学 研究開発機構教授) 

Tadashi Yamada (Professor. Research and Development Initiative, Chuo University)



Organization: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries  


Challenges Facing Agricultural Production Infrastructure Development

 under Climate Change and Responses

<概要 -Outline->



In recent years, the effects of climate change have posed urgent global challenges. Japan has seen increasingly severe and frequent damage to farmland and agricultural facilities due to torrential rains, along with drought resulting from low precipitation. This has prompted the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries to implement an array of climate change countermeasures, including developing drainage pumping stations, enhancing flood control functions of agricultural dams, and promoting “paddy field dams” that temporarily impound stormwater in paddy fields, as well as automating water management.

To address these global challenges caused by climate change, this session will feature presentations and discussions on the initiatives and studies in Japan and overseas, mainly in the field of agricultural production infrastructure development.


<プログラム -Program->

1.主催者挨拶 Greeting 13時30分~

緒方和之氏 農林水産省農村振興局整備部長

Kazuyuki OGATA, Director-General for Rural Infrastructure Department, Rural Development Bureau, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF)


2.趣旨説明 Explanation of Purpose 13時6分~

中西滋樹氏 農林水産省農村振興局整備部設計課計画調整室長

Shigeki NAKANISHI, Director for Project Planning and Coordination Office, Design Division, Rural Infrastructure Department, Rural Development Bureau, MAFF


3.発表 Presentation 13時17分~(各発表20分+登壇者の紹介1分・入れ替え1分)×5名

下記発表者による  by the presenters listed below

14時00分 休憩(20分)

15時30分 休憩(20分)

4.パネルディスカッション Panel Discussion 15時50分(60分)

コーディネーター Coordinator:


Tsugihiro WATANABE (Professor Emeritus, Kyoto University)

パネリスト Panelists:


Kenzi TANAKA (Professor, Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University; Expert in the field of hydrology), presenters listed below


5.閉会(司会)Closing 16時50分


<講演者・講演タイトル -Presenter and Title- >

①中西滋樹氏 農林水産省農村振興局整備部設計課計画調整室長

Shigeki NAKANISHI, Director for Project Planning and Coordination Office, Design Division, Rural Infrastructure Department, Rural Development Bureau, MAFF

Title: 農業インフラ整備計画(排水)における将来の降雨量予測の利用について

Application of precipitation projections in drainage project planning for agricultural infrastructure


②斎藤貴視氏 北海道岩見沢市農業整備基盤課長

Takami SAITOU, Chief of Agricultural Infrastructure Development Division, Agricultural Administration Department, Iwamizawa City, Hokkaido

Title: 想いやりの共感が育んだ「田んぼダム」

“Paddy Field Dams” through Compassion and Empathy


③桐 博英氏 農研機構農村工学研究部門水利工学研究領域長

Hirohide KIRI, Manager, Institute for Rural Engineering, National Agriculture and Food Research Organization (NARO)

Title: 農業分野における流域治水の取組に向けた技術開発

Development of technologies to maximize role of new flood-control policy in agricultural sector


④中村公人氏 京都大学農学研究科教授

Prof. Kimihito NAKAMURA, Graduate School of Agriculture, Division of Environmental Science and Technology, Kyoto University

Title: メタン放出抑制と節水を両立するための組織的水田水管理

Organizational paddy water management for reducing methane emission and saving water


⑤Prof. Dr. Carla GULIZIA ブエノスアイレス大学教授、アルゼンチン科学技術研究会議海洋・大気研究センター 研究員

Adjunct Researcher, Research Centre of the Sea and the Atmosphere (CIMA) - CONICET (National Council for Scientific and Technological Research, Argentina), University of Buenos Aires (UBA)

Title: 世界有数の食料生産国アルゼンチンにおける気候変動が農業に与える影響への対応

Addressing climate change impacts on agriculture in Argentina, one of the top food producers



北海道大学、一般財団法人 北海道河川財団13:00-15:00@クローバー

Organization: Hokkaido University, River Center of Hokkaido


Advancements and Future Directions of Risk Evaluation Methodologies on Water Disaster Considering Climate Change

<概要 -Outline->


Considering the increment of water disaster risks due to climate change associated with global warming, social implementations of adaptation measures are being promoted worldwide. In Japan, a flood risk evaluation methodology based on huge ensemble and high-resolution climate data has enabled estimations of river discharge, levee breaches, and flood patterns for each physically possible rainfall pattern, subsequently making it possible to quantify the mortality risks associated with flood disaster. This methodology introducing ensemble climate data is advancing flood control management based on climate change and integrated into decision-making at unprecedented speed on a global scale. Currently, within the framework of the research theme entitled 'Building a Smart Disaster Prevention Network' under the Strategic Innovation Promotion Program (SIP) managed by the Cabinet Office's Council, an advanced research project aiming at realization of behavioral changes in disaster prevention activities for both individuals and companies based on scientifically substantiated risk information, are being promoted. Additionally, a joint research project between Japan and the Netherlands has been promoted since 2016, involving collaborative research studies among research institutes, administrative bodies, and the private sector. Through the comparative analysis of risk evaluation methodologies between Japan and the Netherlands, a framework for the advancement and accuracy assurance of these methodologies has been developed. This session will disseminate the latest results from a series of research and development efforts and their pioneering activities towards social implementation to a global audience. Furthermore, based on the latest research findings on water disaster risk evaluation methodologies, discussions will be held with experts from both within and outside the country on flood control managements, adaptation strategies for individuals and companies.

<話者 -Speaker->

山田 朋人(北海道大学 教授)

Tomohito J. Yamada (Professor, Hokkaido University)


Bart van den Hurk (Deltares, Strategic Research Manager)

ヨス・ファン・アルフェン(デルタ委員会 責任者)

Jos van Alphen (Staff Delta Programme Commissioner, senior advisor)


Bas Kolen (HKV Consultants, Scientific Director)

千葉 学(一般財団法人 北海道河川財団)

Manabu Chiba (River center of Hokkaido)


Peter Van Oevelen (GEWEX director, Professor , George Mason University)


Adisorn Champathong (Royal Irrigation Department (RID), Thailand)

菅 良一(国土交通省水管理・国土保全局河川計画課 河川技術調整官)

Ryoichi Suga (Director for Coordination of River Engineering, Water and Disaster Management Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism of Japan)

山崎 大(東京大学生産技術研究所 准教授)

Dai Yamazaki (Associate Professor, The University of Tokyo)

建設コンサルタンツ協会 / 河川計画専門委員会15:30-17:30@クローバー

Organization: The Japan Civil engineering Consultants Association (JCCA) Expert Committee on River Planning 


Examples of Practitioners' Efforts on Climate Change and “River Basin Disaster Resilience and Sustainability by All 

<概要 -Outline->

株式会社建設技術研究所 小澤 剛/RisKma(DRR OS)による流域治水の実現





気候変動による影響が顕在化したことにより、大雨に伴う大きな洪水が頻繁に発生するようになりました。また、少雨に伴う渇水も頻発しています。私たちの社会が気候変動に伴う洪水、渇水の頻発に適応するためには、既存のインフラ施設の能力を最大限に活用することで、その影響を緩和することが必要となります。特に既存のダム貯水池は今すぐ利用可能な施設であり、その能力を最大限に活用することは気候変動に対する適応策として大きなポテンシャルを保有しています。洪水対策、渇水対策のため既存のダム貯水池を効率的に運用するには従来よりも長時間の降雨予測を利用する必要があります。従来よりも長時間の気象予測として全球アンサンブル予報GEPS(Global Ensemble Prediction System)が各国の気象機関で運用され、気象予測情報が提供されています。



パシフィックコンサルタンツ株式会社 熊谷 利彦/河床変動解析モデルを応用した河道維持管理に資する仮想着色砂モデルの開発





この対策事業を継続的に進める上で、人為設置土砂が洪水に伴いいつ・どこへ輸送されたか、洪水後にどの程度残るかといった変化量を定量的に評価手法が求められている。この解決を目的として、Pacific Consultants (PCKK)は、実務上で一般的に用いられるオイラー型の平面二次元河床変動解析モデルをベースに、特定の土砂の移動量や移動箇所を追跡できる「仮想着色砂モデル」を開発した。「仮想着色砂モデル」は、追跡する人為設置土砂の平面・鉛直範囲・粒度分布等のパラメータを加えることにより、オイラー型河床変動モデルで算定される水理量・河床変動量に応じた特定土砂の移動・堆積を追跡するものである。このモデルを用いることより、洪水前後での人為設置土砂の流下過程,流下先,流下量等を可視化できる。また、土砂設置事業での設定諸元(実施位置,設置量,設置形状)の設定や、下流河川の土砂粒径変化の予測が可能となる。これにより、ダム下流河川の維持管理を検討するだけでなく、ダムの利水や治水容量確保の観点からも有用である。また、その結果として、既存施設能力を最大限活用する観点から、日本で現在進められている「流域治水」施策を進める上でも重要である。   

We, civil engineering consultants are responsible for supporting our clients by providing technical consulting services related to investigation, planning and design, etc. for the realization of social infrastructure such as rivers, dams, and roads, which are important for protecting the lives and livelihoods of the people and for the formation of a mature society. JCCA is an organization of these civil engineering consulting firms, with approximately 500 association members. In this report, three of the member firms listed below will introduce examples of their respective efforts related to climate change and “River Basin Disaster Resilience and Sustainability by All”.


CTI will present on RisKma, a disaster risk reduction platform.

RisKma is being used by various clients as a tool for " Measures to mitigate damage and for early recovery and reconstruction” in “River Basin Disaster Resilience and Sustainability by All”.

Specifically, RisKma is an EWS that provides early warnings of flood risks, centralized management of flood disaster information on a cloud-based platform, and decision-making support for evacuation and flood prevention activities. The platform can also be customized to meet customer needs by adding an alert function, a group chat function during disaster response, etc.


Nippon Koei Co., Ltd. will present on the digital transformation of dam reservoir operation using rainfall forecasting. As the adverse effects of climate change become increasingly apparent, there is a growing need to maximize existing infrastructure facilities. Dams, in particular, hold significant potential as adaptation measures. The presenter has developed a technology using heatmaps from GEPS to elucidate quantitative and temporal uncertainties of rainfall forecasting, aiding in user comprehension and enabling efficient management of dam reservoirs. This paper presents explores such methods to optimize existing dam reservoir potentials with long-term rainfall forecasting, featuring case studies from Japan & Southeast Asia.


Sediment deposition in dams and reduced sediment supply to downstream rivers are causing problems with flood control functions in rivers.

Pacific Consultants Co.,Ltd. has developed a "virtual colored sand model" based on the Eulerian 2D planar riverbed fluctuation analysis model, which can track the amount and location of specific sediment transport. The model is useful in the quantitative evaluation of sediment supply projects.

Solving the sediment problem in dams is important from the perspective of maximising the use of the flood control function, and this model could contribute to the promotion of "River Basin Disaster Resilience and Sustainability by All".

<話者 -Speaker->

小澤 剛(株式会社建設技術研究所東京本社水システム部 主幹)

Go Ozawa (Manager, Water Management & Research Division, Tokyo Main Office, CTI Engineering Co., Ltd.)

RisKma (DRR OS)による流域治水の実現

Realization of “River Basin Disaster Resilience and Sustainability by All” through RisKma (DRR OS)

松ヶ平 賢一(日本工営株式会社 チーフスペシャリスト)

Kenichi Matsugahira (Chief Specialist , Nippon Koei Co., Ltd.)


Digital Transformation in the Operation of Dam Reservoirs Using Rainfall Forecasting

熊谷 利彦(パシフィックコンサルタンツ株式会社 技術課長)

Toshihiko Kumagai (Technical Manager, Pacific Consultants Co.,LTD.)


Development of a Virtual Colored Sand Model for River Maintenance by Applying the Riverbed Evolution Model

中村 謙一(株式会社建設技研インターナショナル 執行役員、水・防災部門長)(調整中)

Kenichi Nakamura (Executive Officer, Watershed Management Department Director, CTI Engineering International Co.,Ltd.) (TBC)



「気候レジリエンス -科学的知見に基づく適応策の実践に向けて- 」

Climate Resilience - Toward Science-Based Adaptation Practices -

<概要 -Outline->


Recent record-breaking heavy rains and high temperatures have manifested a variety of impacts, including frequent weather disasters, deterioration of crop quality, changes in fishery resources, and an increase in heat stroke. In order to adapt to these impacts and build a climate resilient society, it is essential to collaborate with diverse stakeholders in a wide range of fields. How can scientific knowledge on climate change impacts and adaptation be linked to the implementation of valuable adaptation measures? This presentation will introduce initiatives through research programs conducted by the Ministry of the Environment.


<プログラム -Program->

トータルコーディネーター(総合司会)Total Coordinator

三村信男氏 茨城大学 地球・地域環境共創機構 特命教授

Nobuo MIMURA, Specially Appointed Professor, Global and Local Environment Co-creation Institute (GLEC), Ibaraki University


1.挨拶  Greeting 13:00~

環境省 地球環境局 総務課

気候変動科学・適応室長 中島尚子氏


Naoko NAKAJIMA, Director, Climate Change Science and Adaptation Office, Global Environment Bureau, Ministry of the Environment, Japan


2.発表1  Presentation 1 13:03-

コーディネーター Coordinator:

横木裕宗氏 茨城大学大学院 理工学研究科 都市システム工学領域 教授

Hiromune YOKOKI, Professor, Department of Urban and Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, Ibaraki University



(環境研究総合推進費S-18 気候変動影響予測・適応評価の総合的研究

The Environment Research and Technology Development Fund : Comprehensive Research on Projection of Climate Change Impacts and Evaluation of Adaptation (S-18))


3.発表2  Presentation 2 14:35-

コーディネーター Coordinator:

西廣淳氏 国立環境研究所 気候変動適応センター 副センター長

Jun NISHIHIRO, Vice Director Canter for Climate Change Adaptation, National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan


科学的知見に基づく適応の実践 -NbS-

(環境研究総合推進費 2_2001気候変動に対応した持続的な流域生態系管理に関する研究および 2_2032 気候変動適応と緩和に貢献するNbS-流域スケールでの研究-)

The Environment Research and Technology Development Fund: 2-2001 Study on Sustainable Ecosystem Management of River Watersheds toward Climate-Change Adaptation; 2-2302 Nature-based solutions contributing to climate change adaptation and mitigation - research at the watershed scale)


4.パネルディスカッション  Panel discussion 15:50-

<テーマ Theme> 


Role of Climate Science to Promote Climate Change Adaptation


ファシリテーター Facilitator:

三村信男氏 茨城大学 地球・地域環境共創機構

Nobuo MIMURA, Specially Appointed Professor Global and Local Environment Co-creation Institute (GLEC), Ibaraki University

パネリスト Panelists:

風間聡氏 東北大学工学研究科 教授

So Kazama, Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University

横木裕宗氏 茨城大学大学院 理工学研究科 都市システム工学領域 教授

Hiromune YOKOKI, Professor, Department of Urban and Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, Ibaraki University

西廣淳氏 国立環境研究所 気候変動適応センター 副センター長

Jun NISHIHIRO, Vice Director Center for Climate Change Adaptation, National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan

浦嶋 裕子氏 MS&ADインシュアランスグループホールディングス サステナビリティ推進部 上席スペシャリスト

Hiroko URASHIMA, Senior Specialist, Corporate Sustainability Dept., MS&AD Insurance Group Holdings, Inc.


 5.閉会 Conclusion of the Session

  茨城大学 地球・地域環境共創機構 三村信男氏 Nobuo MIMURA


<講演者・講演タイトル -Presenter and Title->

〇発表1  Presentation 1

①秋山奈々子氏 環境省 地球環境局 総務課 気候変動科学・適応室 室長補佐

Nanako AKIYAMA, Deputy Director, Climate Change Science and Adaptation Office, Global Environment Bureau, Ministry of the Environment, Japan

Title: 日本における気候変動適応施策の動向と研究ニーズ

Trends in climate change adaptation policies and research needs in Japan


②吉川沙耶花氏 長崎大学 総合生産科学域 准教授

Sayaka YOSHIKAWA, Associate professor, Institute of integrated science and technology, Nagasaki University

Title: 日本における気候変動影響予測・適応評価のための社会経済シナリオの構築

Development of common socio-economic scenarios for climate change impact and adaptation assessment in Japan


③風間聡氏 東北大学工学研究科 教授

So KAZAMA, Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University

Title: 気候変動に対する洪水の適応緩和策

Evaluation of Adaptation and Mitigation to Flooding in Japan under Climate Change


④田村誠氏 茨城大学地球・地域環境共創機構 教授

Makoto TAMURA, Professor, Global and Local Environment Co-creation Institute (GLEC), Ibaraki University

Title: 日本沿岸域における海面上昇への適応評価:防護と移転

Assessing the Effectiveness of Adaptation against Sea Level Rise in Japanese Coastal Areas: Protection and Relocation


⑤筧茂穂氏 水産研究・教育機構 水産資源研究所 水産資源研究センター 海洋環境部寒流第2グループ 主任研究員

Shigeho KAKEHI, Senior Researcher, Fisheries Stock Assessment Center, Fisheries Resources Institute, Japan Fisheries Research and Education Agency

Title: 東北太平洋岸における海洋の変化が漁業や養殖業に及ぼす影響

Influence of oceanographic conditions on fishery and aquaculture in the Pacific coast of northeastern Japan


〇発表2  Presentation 2

⑥福井俊介氏 環境省 自然環境局 自然環境計画課 生物多様性戦略推進室 係長

Shunsuke FUKUI, Section Chief, Biodiversity Strategy Office, Biodiversity Policy Division, Nature Conservation Bureau, Ministry of the Environment, Japan

Title: 生物多様性保全と気候変動に貢献するNbSの動向と研究ニーズ

Trends and research needs of NbS contributing to biodiversity conservation and climate change


⑦西廣淳氏 国立環境研究所 気候変動適応センター 副センター長

Jun NISHIHIRO, Vice Director

Center for Climate Change Adaptation, National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan

Title: 印旛沼流域を対象としたNbS研究プロジェクト

Introduction of the NbS research project in the Lake Inba-numa watershed


⑧大槻順朗氏 山梨大学 地域防災・マネジメント研究センター 准教授

Kazuaki OHTSUKI, Associate Professor, Disaster and Environmentally Sustainable administration Research Center, University of Yamanashi

Title: 自然の機能を活用した水害リスクの軽減(仮)

Nature-based Strategies for flood mitigation by wetland restoration: Case study in Japan’s urban-rural catchment (tentative)


⑨横山智子氏 千葉県環境研究センター 上席研究員/ 東京大学農学生命科学研究科

Satoko YOKOYAMA, Senior Researcher, Chiba Prefectural Environmental Research Center / Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo

Title: 自然の機能を活用した栄養塩流出対策

Nutrient runoff control by utilizing natural functions


⑩平野佑奈氏 国立環境研究所 気候変動適応センター 特別研究員

Yuna HIRANO, Research Associate, Center for Climate Change Adaptation, National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan

Title: 地下水を考慮した水循環の指標生物とその保全

Research for simultaneous conservation of biodiversity and groundwater cycle.

(公社)土木学会 北海道支部「気候変動脆弱地域における複合地盤災害のリスク評価に関する研究委員会」】13:00-15:00@クローバー

Organization: Japan Society of Civil Engineers Hokkaido Branch “Research Committee on Risk Assessment of Complex Geo-Disasters in Climate Change Vulnerable Areas”


Risk assessment and adaptation to water/soil compound disasters in climate change-vulnerable regions 

<概要 -Outline->


Targeting regions vulnerable to climate change such as Kyushu and Hokkaido, where the effect of global warming is becoming more acute, this session will systematize new forms of water/soil complex (or compound) disasters that are expected to occur due to climate change, considering regional characteristics. Moreover, this session will consider potential disaster risks and climate change adaptation measures assuming future climate, clarify the perspectives necessary for comprehensive assessment of disaster risk and disaster prevention/mitigation measures, and contribute to future academic research and technology development to discuss the direction from an interdisciplinary perspective. In addition, as part of Japan's technical support for disaster prevention and mitigation measures in disaster-prone countries in line with the "Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030," this session will explore a possibility for applying the Japanese early warning system for landslides operated in Japan to disaster-prone foreign countries like India by collaborating with foreign researchers. It will also introduce the need for disaster risk management that takes climate change into consideration and aims to cultivate the next generation of researchers and engineers who are well-versed in this field. The incorporation of the Soil Water Index (SWI) into India's Territorial Landslide Early Warning System (Te-LEWs) holds immense potential for enhancing the country's disaster preparedness and response capabilities. Leveraging Japan's expertise in landslide early warning systems, coupled with insights gleaned from interdisciplinary research, offers a pragmatic pathway towards mitigating the devastating impact of landslides in India and beyond. Beyond the realm of academia, this initiative underscores the imperative of social implementation and knowledge transfer. By disseminating best practices and facilitating technology transfer, the session aims to catalyze the development of sustainable disaster risk management strategies that are cognizant of the evolving climate dynamics. Moreover, by nurturing the next generation of researchers and engineers with a profound understanding of climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction, the project aspires to foster a cohort of experts equipped to address the intricate challenges posed by climate-induced disasters on a global scale. In essence, the implementation of Japan's early-warning criteria, specifically the SWI, into India's Te-LEWs represents a pivotal step towards fostering international collaboration, knowledge exchange, and practical solutions in the realm of disaster risk reduction. By harnessing collective expertise and forging synergies between academia, government agencies, and civil society, this project endeavors to pave the way for a more resilient and sustainable future in the face of mounting climate-related challenges.

<話者 -Speaker->

石川 達也(北海道大学 教授)

Tatsuya Ishikawa (Professor, Hokkaido University)

▶A possibility of new compound geodisasters at climate change vulnerable cold regions

矢野 真一郎(九州大学 教授)

Shinichiro Yano (Professor, Kyushu University)

▶Development of Evaluation Model for Driftwoods Generation in the Kawabe River basin and Assessment of the Effect of the Climate Change

中津川 誠(室蘭工業大学 教授)

Makoto Nakatsugawa (Professor, Muroran Institute of Technology)


Estimation of Risk of Slope Hazard Occurrence in Snowy and Cold Regions due to Climate Change 

安福 規之(九州大学 名誉教授)

Noriyuki Yasufuku (Emeritus Professor , Kyushu University)

▶Proposal of a Comprehensive Risk Assessment Model for Cut Slopes Considering Long-Term Deterioration Characteristics due to Weathering and Climate Change

川村 志麻(室蘭工業大学 教授)

Shima Kawamura (Professor, Muroran Institute of Technology)


Geo-disaster in Hokkaido and impact of climate change

丸谷 靖幸(九州大学 准教授)

Yasuyuki Maruya (Associate Professor, Kyushu University)


Climate Change Impact Assessment On Precipitation Patterns Of Causing A Flood In The Chikugo River And Kuma River Basins In Kyushu, Japan

Sumit Sen (Associate Professor, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee)

▶Leveraging Hydrometeorological Insights to Strengthen Urban Himalayan Resilience Against Floods

Siva Subramanian Srikrishnan (Assistant Professor, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee)

▶Soil-Water Index (SWI) thresholds for a Territorial Landslide Early Warning System (Te-LEWS) in Uttarakhand, India

国土交通省 北海道開発局15:30-17:30@クローバー

Organization: Hokkaido Regional Development Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism 


Challenges by local governments and stakeholders towards social implementation of climate change mitigation and adaptation measures


<概要 -Outline->


こうした中、国の取り組みに加え、地方レベルでもさまざまな取組が見られている。 気候変動の影響が個人レベルでも顕在化する中、多くの市民が緩和策の重要性を強調し、地方自治体も積極的な取り組みを進めている。



本セッションでは、気候変動の現象としての側面だけでなく、気候変動が社会や経済に与える影響、気候変動対策の社会実装を含めた政府や産業界の対応についても基調講演を行う。その後、自治体等5機関が参加するパネルディスカッションを行い、複数の地域における気候変動に関する具体的な取組を報告する。 先進事例の紹介に続き、今後産学官連携で取り組みを深化させ、新たな課題を創出していくために研究者に求められることについて議論します。

The effects of climate change and the problems caused are becoming apparent globally. In Japan as well, it is clearly recognized as weather disasters such as heavy rain, heavy snow, storms, droughts and extreme temperatures are seen across the nation every year. In addition, citizens are aware of impacts of climate change through various topics including decrease in the harvest of agricultural crops and necessity of people’s lifestyle changes, among others. Citizens’ understanding on climate change mitigation and adaptation is also deepening as they are becoming more and more familiar with concrete actions directly or indirectly related to energy saving, renewable energy utilization and decarbonization. It includes Cool-biz (simple and light business clothes in summer), plastic reduction and teleworking.

Under the circumstances, various challenges are being taken at the local level, in addition to the national initiatives. As the effects of climate change are becoming perceptible even at the individual level, many citizens emphasize the importance of mitigation, and local governments are taking proactive measures.

Various efforts as adaptation measures are also being strengthened, with notable examples being the revisions of river improvement plans based on the latest results of researches on rain falls and river flows, and the shift to the new policy “River Basin Disaster Resilience and Sustainability by All” which is promoted nationwide. The approach by local stakeholders related to this new policy is also rapidly changing.

Furthermore, against the backdrop of changes in social awareness on climate change, efforts not only to suppress negative impacts but also to utilize local strengths (e.g., developing new agricultural products and processed products, actively adopting new energy sources, utilization of unused or potential resources, etc.) are increasing.

In this session, the keynote speech will focus not only on the aspects of climate change as a phenomenon, but also on its impact on the society and the economy, and the response of government and industry which includes the social implementation of climate change countermeasures. After that, specific initiatives related to climate change in several regions are reported through a panel discussion where five local governments and organizations are attending. Following the talks on the advanced cases, the panels will discuss what researchers are expected in order to deepen efforts and create new challenges through industry-academia-government collaboration in the future.

<話者 -Speaker->

山田 正(中央大学研究開発機構 機構教授)

Tadashi Yamada (Institute Professor, Research and Development Initiative, Chuo University)

竹中 貢(上士幌町 町長)

Mitsugi Takenaka (Mayor, Kamishihoro Town)

美濃部 雄人(富山市 副市長)

Yujin Minobe (Deputy Mayor, Toyama City)

森川 陽一(千葉県 県土整備部 河川環境課 課長)

Yoichi Morikawa (Director General, River Environment Division, Land Development Department, Chiba Prefectural Government)

小森 大輔(流域治水と流域経済発展の両立に向けた河川内および森林樹木の活用を目指す産官学研究会 - 亜臨界水技術を用いた木材資源の農業利用/東北大学グリーン未来創造機構・特任教授)

Daisuke Komori (Industry-government-academia study group on the use of forests and riparian trees for both watershed flood control and watershed economic development - Utilisation of wood resources for agriculture using subcritical water technology (Ph.D. Agri, Specially Appointed Professor, Green Goals Initiative, Tohoku University)

石川 博基(北海道 建設部 建設政策局長)

Hiroki Ishikawa (Senior Director, Bureau of Construction Management, Hokkaido Government)

須賀 可人(寒地土木研究所 研究連携推進監)

Yoshito Suga (Director for Collaborative Research Promotion, Civil Engineering Research Institute for Cold Region)

セッション速報報告用(JST JICA)提出版.pdf


「JST/JICA共催 SATREPS:開発途上国と共に地球規模課題に挑む国際共同研究 


JST and JICA’s SATREPS Program: Addressing Global Issues with Partner Countries

— Progress and Prospects of International Joint Research Projects

 on Climate Change and Water Supported by the Government of Japan —

<概要 -Outline->



Nowadays, global issues such as climate change, food security, natural disasters, and infectious diseases become more and more complex and impacting to vulnerable societies. The Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development (SATREPS) program is a collaborative effort involving Japan’s science and technology and Official Development Assistance (ODA) to promote further international joint research based on the needs of partner countries with the goals of addressing global issues and leading to research outcomes of practical benefit to both local and global society.

In this session, researchers both Japan and partner countries will introduce their collaborative research projects, ingenuity, and possible utilization of research result to societies. Future direction of SATREPS and uniqueness of international joint research framework with ODA will be also highlighted in the session.


<プログラム -Program->

1.SATREPS運営統括挨拶 13:00-13:05

小谷 元子氏 東北大学 理事・副学長/国際学術会議理事会 副会長

Motoko KOTANI, Executive Vice President, Tohoku University and Vice President, International Science Council (ISC) Executive Officer

2.セッションコーディネータ挨拶  Greeting from the Session Coordinator 13:05-13:10

渡邉紹裕氏 京都大学 名誉教授/京都大学防災研究所 特任教授

  Tsugihiro WATANABE, Professor Emeritus, Kyoto University 

3.事業紹介  Project Introduction 13:10-13:25

田端千夏氏 科学技術振興機構(JST)国際部SATREPSグループ主査

Chinatsu TABATA, Chief, SATREPS Group, International Affairs Department, Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)

細川幸成氏 国際協力機構(JICA)地球環境部防災グループ長

Yukinari HOSOKAWA, Deputy Director,  General and Group Director for Disaster Risk Reduction Group, Global Environment Department, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)


4.研究発表  Research Presentation 13:30-15:10 ※25分×4プロジェクト

下記発表者による  by the presenters listed below


5.ゲスト講演  Guest Speech 15:20-15:50

Anna Sörensson, University of Buenos Aires/CONICET, Argentina


6.パネルディスカッション+Q&Aセッション  Panel Discussion 15:50-16:50

モデレーター Moderator:

寶馨氏 防災科学技術研究所 理事長

Kaoru TAKARA, President, National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience (NIED)

パネリスト Panelists:

Xabibullaev Baxitjan Sagidullaevich, International Innovation Center for Aral Sea Basin (IICAS) under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Miho OHARA, The University of Tokyo, Japan

Sawahiko SHIMADA, Tokyo University of Agriculture, Japan

Mohammad Farid, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia


7.セッションコーディネータ挨拶 Closing from the Session Coordinator 16:50-17:00

渡邉紹裕氏 京都大学 名誉教授/京都大学防災研究所 特任教授

Tsugihiro WATANABE


<講演者・講演タイトル -Presenter and Title->

田中 賢治 京都大学 防災研究所

Kenji TANAKA, Director Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, Japan

ハビブラエフ バヒトジャン サギドゥレビッチ アラル海流域国際イノベーションセンター(IICAS)

Xabibullaev Baxitjan Sagidullaevich, International Innovation Center for Aral Sea Basin (IICAS) under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Title: アラル海地域における水利用効率と塩害の制御に向けた気候にレジリエントな革新的技術開発

Development of Innovative Climate Resilient Technologies for Monitoring and Controlling of Water Use Efficiency and Impact of Salinization on Crop Productivity and Livelihood in Aral Sea Region


島田 沢彦 東京農業大学

Sawahiko SHIMADA Tokyo University of Agriculture, Japan

登坂 博行 地圏環境テクノロジー

Hiroyuki TOSAKA, Geosphere Environmental Technology Corp., LTD, Japan

ラチッド・M・ムフメッド ジブチ大学

Rachid Mohamed MOUHOUMED, University of Djibouti, Djibouti

Title: ジブチにおける持続可能な緑化ポテンシャル評価のための広域水循環動態モデリング

Modeling Arid Land Water Dynamics in Djibouti for assessing the Potential of Sustainable Greening Potential


大原 美保 東京大学

Miho OHARA, The University of Tokyo, Japan

ビセンテG. バララン Jr. 土木研究所/フィリピン大学ロスバニョス校

Vicente G. Ballaran Jr., Public Works Research Institute, Japan

マリア アンヘレス O. カテロ フィリピン大学ロスバニョス校

Maria Angeles O. Catelo, University of the Philippines Los Baños

フェルナンド C. サンチェズ フィリピン大学ロスバニョス校

Fernando C. Sanchez, Jr., University of the Philippines Los Baños

Title: フィリピン共和国における気候変動下での持続的な地域経済発展への政策立案のためのハイブリッド型水災害リスク評価の活用

Development of a Hybrid Water-Related Disaster Risk Assessment Technology for Sustainable Local Economic Development Policy under Climate Change in the Philippines


森 信人 京都大学 防災研究所

Nobuhito MORI DPRI, Kyoto University, Japan

ムハンマド ファリド バンドン工科大学

Mohammad Farid, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia

Title: インドネシア沿岸を対象とした自然を生かした災害リスク軽減の取り組み

Nature-based Solution for disaster risk reduction on Indonesia coast


ゲスト講演 Guest Speech

Anna Sörensson氏  University of Buenos Aires/CONICET, Argentina

Title: Agriculture and hydrologic change in Argentina

In which way and how can we move to advance research that will be more useful and adaptable to real society in the future considering climate change and disaster risk reduction?

国立研究開発法人土木研究所 寒地土木研究所】13:00-15:00@クローバー

Organization: Civil Engineering Research Institute for Cold Region (CERI)


Civil Engineering Research Institute’s efforts to understand the impact of climate change on disasters and the environment in snowy and cold regions, and adaptation measures of climate change 

<概要 -Outline->


Due to climate change, there are concerns about the intensification of water-related disasters such as typhoons, storm surges, floods, and droughts, as well as the decrease in snowfall and earlier snowmelt. There are also concerns about snow and ice disasters due to an increase in extreme snow storms and heavy snowfalls in snowy and cold regions, and an increase in waves due to a decrease in sea ice caused by global warming. These changes will affect agricultural production and the natural environment. This session will present and discuss the Institute's efforts and collaboration with administrative agencies on understanding and adapting to the impacts of climate change on water hazards, snow and ice hazards, the water cycle and the environment in snowy and cold regions. 

<話者 -Speaker->

島田 友典(寒地土木研究所 寒地河川チーム 主任研究員)

Tomonori Shimada (Senior Researcher, River Engineering Research Team, CERI)

世界最大規模の実験水路を活用した越水破堤実験 ~十勝川千代田実験水路~

Overflow Breaking Test Using the World's Largest Experimental Channel, Chiyoda Experimental Channel of the Tokachigawa River

岩﨑 慎介(寒地土木研究所 寒冷沿岸域チーム 研究員)

Shinsuke Iwasaki (Researcher, Port and Coast Research Team, CERI)


Increase in the wave power due to the reduction of sea ice over the Sea of Okhotsk

菅原 邦泰(寒地土木研究所 雪氷チーム 研究員)

Kuniyasu Sugawara (Researcher, Snow and Ice Research Team, CERI)


Impact assessment of climate change on the blowing-snow events in Hokkaido with a large ensemble meteorological dataset

山田 嵩(寒地土木研究所 水環境保全チーム 研究員)

Takashi Yamada (Researcher, Watershed Environmental Engineering Research Team, CERI)


Relationship between snow cover distribution and topography/vegetation using airborne laser scanning in Japan

矢部 浩規(寒地土木研究所 寒地水圏研究グループ長)

Hiroki Yabe (Group leader of Cold-Region Hydraulic and Aquatic Environment Engineering Research Group, CERI)

沖合域人工魚礁や漁港周辺の水産環境モニタリング調査技術 ~効果的な水産資源増殖・保全と藻場による脱炭素化社会に向けて~

Fisheries environment monitoring and survey technology around artificial fish reefs and fishing ports in offshore areas,  effective marine resource proliferation and conservation and seaweed beds for a decarbonized society

国立大学法人 北海道大学15:30-17:30@クローバー

Organization: Hokkaido University


Initiatives to resolve social problems related to water and climate at Hokkaido University.

<概要 -Outline->

Since its foundation in 1874, Hokkaido University has fulfilled its mission of research and education based on the basic principles of 'frontier spirit', 'global perspectives', 'all-round education', and 'practical learning'. In recent years, as severe disasters probably caused by climate change have become more apparent, Hokkaido university has contributed to resolving social issues in collaboration with the international community as well as the local communities in Hokkaido, through university-wide initiatives for SDGs and the development of interdisciplinary disaster research. From these university-wide initiatives, active researchers involved in water and climate, which are the subject of GEWEX, have been carefully selected from Faculties of Science, Engineering, Agriculture, Fisheries, Medicine and Environmental studies to introduce their diverse research topics and international and regional collaborations. Particular attention is paid to Hokkaido, a nature-rich cold region, and unique regional perspectives such as snow and sea ice are included. In addition, the project will discuss how relevant authorities and local residents can be involved in disaster management in depopulated and ageing society.

Furthermore, as water and climate issues are directly related to social welfare, the health and quality of life in future societies will exhibit from an epidemiological perspective on the subject of changes in the atmospheric environment.

<話者 -Speaker->

上田 佳代(北海道大学)

Kayo Ueda (Hokkaido University)

▶Health consequences of heavy snowfall: A study about emergency medical service response time for out-of-hospital cardiac arrests from cardiac origin

佐藤 陽祐(北海道大学)

Yousuke Sato (Hokkaido University)

▶Contribution of Laboratory of Meteorology, Hokkaido University to a Japanese community meteorological model: SCALE and collaboration with other groups

星野 剛(北海道大学)

Tsuyoshi Hoshino (Hokkaido University)

▶Impacts of climate change on flood, water resource, and river environment in Hokkaido, Japan

笠井 美青(北海道大学)

Mio Kasai (Hokkaido University)

▶Long-term morphological changes associated with the implementation of sediment control structures in the mixed bedrock-alluvial Tottabetsu River in Eastern Hokkaido

根岸 淳二郎(北海道大学)

Junjiro N. Negishi (Hokkaido University)

▶Vulnerable of resilient? River ecosystem responses to record floods and warming water temperature in Hokkaido

野村 大樹(北海道大学)

Daiki Nomura (Hokkaido University)

▶Sea ice melt water in the Central Arctic Ocean and its effect on the biogeochemical cycles