
Database Resources

If  you access these databases through your portal you won't need a password. If you are prompted to put in a password, you will need to get it from Mrs. Nazimko. 

A research interface designed specifically for middle school students, featuring relevant and reliable content and easy-to-use navigation .

 Provides thousands of reliable full-text biographies, including the complete full text of Biography Today and Biography, plus narrative biographies not available in other databases.

A database that offers students with a series of comprehensive essays with point and counterpoint arguments related to current issues in the news. Use it to prepare for argumentative essays and debate activities. 

Covering both U.S. and world history topics, History Reference Center is a full-text database featuring historical reference books, magazines, journals and thousands of primary source documents. 

This collection, accessible in school and remotely, contains thousands of fiction and nonfiction e-book titles including familiar children’s stories and informative texts. 

Research Database for EL and Struggling Readers

Adapted reading material for a variety of subjects. It offers resources to help build background knowledge, conduct research and improve study skills. 

More advanced research database for 7-8 grade. 

Designed to meet every student researcher's needs, Science Reference Center contains full text for hundreds of science magazines, journals, encyclopedias, reference books and a vast collection of images. 

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