GH 19 - 20

Genius Hour

Take a look at what students have been passionate about enough to learn independently.

Two students taught us how to origami. You can follow the steps provided here to create your own.

One Coliseum student is an avid programmer. He shared with us about Swift and how it is creating the very things we use or enjoy.

Two students learned about the steps and ingredients needed to bake cupcakes. Read along to make your own sweets.

Two students taught us how to make paper roses using origami paper. You need only paper and wooden sticks and you can create a forever garden for your home!

Two students shared how to draw Captain America. They learned using the internet and got the class to draw a sketch within 10 minutes.

Two students love drawing cute animals. In under 10 minutes they were able to teach us how to draw cute little pigs. You might be seeing some of these pigs on the wall of your student's room now!

Two students taught us about bullet journaling. Take a look and learn how to take notes in a new way.

Two students shared with us about their passion for tennis. We learned about famous players and how fast tennis serves can get.

One student shared their list of the top 10 NBA players. It led to quite a debate in the classroom.

Two students shared how to create your own flip book. Paper, pencil, and your imagination is all you need to get started.

Two students shared how to create a paper envelope. Students learned how to create their own to keep their small paper projects.

One student introduce the class to different trick shots in tennis. We learned that tennis players are pretty creative.

Two students shared about the basketball duo of Shaquille O'Neil and Kobe Bryant. These two players teamed up to win championships for the L.A. Lakers.

Two students shared their passion for cars. They taught us about the fastest production vehicle, the most luxurious cars, and other facts.

Two students share art activities weekly. Visit every week for new lessons.

The Labyrinth of Lives

A student is writing their mystery novel. It is a live document so check back often for the latest chapter.

A student shares with us how to write using certain styles she learned this past year.