The vision of the school is to build a community of learners where students develop resilient life skills which allow them to learn, grow, and become active community participants. The School mottos, "Learning for Life" and “Together We’re Better”, underpin a dedication to continuous improvement and an emphasis on the provision of quality education. Central to the delivery of this quality education is the underlying belief that "everyone has the right to learn and be safe at school". Principles of equity and fairness are at the core of the school's practice. Supporting this belief is an investment in relationships as evidenced by the use of restorative practices.

Within this context of our learning environment students are taught about RESPECT, RIGHTS, RESPONSIBILITIES AND CHOICES.

Our school enrolment is 190 students, from diverse cultural and socio-economic backgrounds. The school community values this diversity and supports students by offering a broad curriculum with a strong emphasis on interpersonal learning. The school is justifiably proud of its ability to cater for a wide range of abilities and backgrounds giving rise to an ethos of tolerance, harmony, and inclusion. As many children are from a variety of non-English speaking backgrounds, all students have an opportunity to develop an understanding of other cultures. Our authentic approach to inclusive education is reflected in our ability to cater for all students regardless of their needs.

Reservoir East Primary School is highly committed to improving the achievement levels of all students and at present we have much to celebrate.

Students consistently improve at a greater rate than is expected. This is due to the authentic team approach towards learning, incorporating the input of students, parents and school staff in the development of individual learning plans (ILPs) for all students. We live a culture of “Together We’re Better” that is reflected in the collective responsibility we exemplify for the learning process. Pivotal to the improvement of student learning outcomes over the past five years has been the substantial investment in coaching to improve teacher capacity. Our staff is made up of 28 people (22.2 EFT) of which three people currently provide literacy and numeracy coaching to fellow staff.