NHS Year 12 Media 2022

A message from the 2022 Media Team.

As another year closes out, we celebrate the amazing work produced by the 2022 Media squad. For our first year fully back in person, it was terrific to see how students supported each other so readily, whether it be behind the scenes, in front of camera or just being enthusiastic cheerleaders for each other's work. Obviously we think they are a supremely talented bunch.

Making a production like this is no mean feat, and students adapted, evolved and refined their ideas over the year. They overcame challenges, collaborated with other professionals and, we hope, learnt a lot about themselves along the way.

Each production within this site is a reflection of the student's passions and creativity. We hope that you enjoy watching and reading as much as we enjoyed seeing them grow.

-Dean Ashton and Alora Young.






Memoriam video from last three years