Flexible Learning In-School Program
Why introduce FLIP@Murtoa College?
The Flexible Learning In-School Program (FLIP) at Murtoa College has been established to provide a more flexible approach to supporting young people at risk of disengaging from learning.
Our FLIP is an Invitation Only Progam for students enrolled at Murtoa College. We use an evidence based approach to determine which of our enrolled students would benefit from FLIP. We then follow the DET's FLO policy protocols (see HERE).
The FLIP learning space for Students is currently being set up at the Front of the College for students we have identified as requiring this additonal support. Whilst works are being completed, FLIP students work on their personalised additional program (Literacy, Numeracy, Employability Pathways, Workplace Skills, Experiential Learning, Excursions and/or SWP (Work Experience for students aged 15 +) in the secondary precinct.
Many of our FLIP students continue to attend Health/PE, Student Connect Homerooms, Peer Support, School Wide Positive Behaviour/Respectful Relationships (RRRR) and Peer Support programs, Assemblies and College Events. Other FLIP students attend the majority of their standard academic program, and only attend and undertake FLIP learning part-time as part of a broader personalised learning program.
In 2023, the incoming Principal undertook substantive active research and consultation with families, staff, and experts from the Department and other Community Support Agencies to determine the viability of a FLIP program at the College.
2024 is the pilot year for a FLIP program at Murtoa College. This means 2024 is the year where we will progressively develop and test education alternatives for each and every student we have identified and invited to participate in our FLIP program.
In 2024 we have sixteen students engaged in our FLIP program.
Forming and sustaining an active partnership with each student's family is an essential component of our FLIP Program. Families are regularly contacted, kept informed and consulted on a weekly basis to maximise our support for every FLIP student.
Department FLO (Flexible Learning Option) Policy can be found HERE or copying and pasting this link in your preferred browswer: https://www2.education.vic.gov.au/pal/flexible-learning-options/policy
Our Objectives for FLIP@Murtoa College
FLIP @ Murtoa College is a select entry, invitation only program for all students currently enrolled at Murtoa College.
The program aims to provide individual learning and transition plans for students based on a case management model.
This also involves providing students with a range of support services through links with program partners, government agencies and community organisations to:
Increase student retention
Increase literacy and numeracy outcomes for targeted students
Improve attendance and consistency of attendance for targeted students
Improve transition to employment and further education, including Koorie and non Koorie students
Improve and sustain partnerships within the community
Provide students with ongoing, personalised Careers and Pathways planning advice
FLIP @ Murtoa College will support students through personalised case management and the provision of opportunities for students to engage in meaningful learning.
Micro-credential & VET Certificate courses offered from Year 9 are accredited and can lead to further training and employment for every FLIP student.
Our FLIP Students
Admittance into the Murtoa College FLIP program is by invitation only, and only for Murtoa College students currently enrolled in mainstream classes from Year 7.
Families and/or students wishing to enrol in the program must undertake a series of interviews and meet with FLIP Leadership Team (Principal, Assistant Principal and Learning Specialists) to ascertain their child/ren's suitability for our onsite FLIP program.
We follow a rigourous process to determine the suitability of the FLIP program for each student. Pivotal here will be a priority investigation of other academic and/or behavioural and/or wellbeing supports available at the College that could be enacted to support a student staying in the majority of mainstream classes and/or re-enter mainstream classes as soon as possible.
Please note: Behavioural issues are not the criteria for students enrolling in our on-site FLIP program. The aim of our FLIP program is always for each student to re-enter mainstream classes whenever possible.
Our Headstart Apprenticeships & Traineeships
Murtoa College is fortunate to host the Wimmera Central Highlands Headstart Coordinator. The area our Headstart Coordinator covers includes Ararat, Ballarat, Hepburn, Hindmarsh, Moorabool, Northern Grampians, Pyrenees, West Wimmera, and Yarriambiack.
By hosting the WCH Headstart Coordinator, we are able to directly consult with him whilst 'horizon plannning' individual learning, support and experential programs for our Year 7-9 FLIP students well in advance of these students commencing Years 10-12.
Families and students can find out more about Headstart HERE or using this link https://www.vic.gov.au/head-start-apprenticeships-and-traineeship or headstart.wimmch@education.vic.gov.au
Our FLIP Curriculum & Reporting
Our FLIP curriculum is NOT one-size fits all - but rather is tailored to every student's learning level and needs.
Our aim is always for students to attend some or all of their mainstream classrooms wherever possible.
The majority of students enrolled in our FLIP program will undertake Vocational Training in their Senior Years. For this reason, prior to entering Year 10, each Year 7-9 student in our FLIP program will have an individual learning plan designed in consultation with the student, family and FLIP learning coaches. Here the focus is to build a learning portfolio for every student throughout Year 7-9 and build on each student's interests, career pathways plan and individual needs.
In some cases, students may elect to continue with some of their subjects at Murtoa College (eg Health/PE, Peer Support, VET or onsite delivery) and participate in offsite half-day or day-long learning through immersion experiences in the local community.
When engaged in FLIP, students continue to have contact with their peers throught Peer Support and Health/PE Programs with their year levels, attend Whole School events (Sport, Excursions), attend Assemblies (House, Year Level, Cohort, Whole School) and attend Year Level camps and/or incursions whenever possible.
As soon as the student is of legal age, a rotating program of different offsite Industry based work-experiences will be designed for each student, supported by Headstart and other DET agencies.
The major focus areas of the FLIP curriculum include:
literacy (includes intensive support when identified)
numeracy (includes intensive support when identified)
financial literacy
practical cookery skills
health, social and physical education skills
problem solving & critical thinking skills
employment pathways & workplace skills
community service & volunteering (hands-on practical skills)
Hands-on Practical Skills
These Curriculum Areas are delivered through:
repeated short drill & application exercises in each student's area of interest (online individual learning modules)
independent (supported through teacher coaching) integrated projects (particularly as students approach Year 10)
immersive experiences onsite and different off-site locations
at-home approved off-site learning modules using teacher Web-Ex checkins as required.
Monitoring & Reporting:
Students access their FLIP Learning Modules using the button at the top of this page.
Student work is marked according Competent - Requires Resubmission (incomplete or lack of effort) - No Attempt .
Students receive individual support and feedback to ensure they are able to attain a Competent assessment and are required to resubmit work until such time that a Competent assessment is recorded.
Like all students in the College, students in the FLIP program will have their assessments recorded in XUNO wherein families have visibility of their child/ren's progress at all times (see button at the top of this page).