Principal's Report

Hear from our principal

Dear Parents and Carers,

Welcome back to another edition of the EPS Newsletter.

Term 2 has already proven to be exceptionally busy, with Assemblies being re-instated (livestreamed until further notice), School Photos, our Mother’s Day Stall and the administration of NAPLAN for our Year 3 and 5 students. Looking ahead, our Year 4-6 students will be undertaking the Attitudes to School Survey, Parent-Teacher Interviews will take place in Week 9 and Student Reports need to be written. As you can see, we are packing a lot into a relatively short timeframe.

This term, we expanded our Student Leadership profile to include Junior School Council and an Environmental Leadership Team. Congratulations to all selected - we know that you will represent the school proudly. For context, at EPS we are committed to ensuring that as many students as possible have the opportunity to contribute to their school and community and develop valuable leadership skills. As such, we’ve implemented a lottery system and will be rotating JSC roles each term. The lottery system, as opposed to class elections, increases the number of students available for selection and takes popularity out of consideration.

This term we have also had the opportunity to showcase our school in preparation for 2023 Prep Enrolments. Scheduled school tours have now been completed and the Parent Information Session was well attended, representing increasing interest in our school and our programs. If you or someone you know missed out on a school tour, have them contact the office and we can make arrangements for them to receive an enrolment pack and to undertake a tour.

In terms of recruitment, this term we welcomed Tylah Wright to our team. Tylah has joined our Education Support staff and will be working with students in class to support their learning.

On the flipside, we’ll soon be saying ‘farewell’ to Kylie Carter, the school’s founding Business Manager. Kylie has been successful in attaining another Business Manager role in a school much, much closer to home and her last day with us will be June 17. She leaves having made an enormous impact on the establishment of our school, dating back to when it was just Kylie, Linh and myself onsite busily working in preparation for our very first day. We wish Kylie all the best in her new endeavour.

What follows in this edition is a celebration of our student’ achievements so far this term, as well as plenty of information to digest. As always, thank you for your ongoing support and remember to reach out if there is anything I can help you with.


Phillip Coloca
