Black Rabbit

By Riley Logan

I see what seems, to be a beautiful black rabbit.

So real, so perfect, I wish I could reach out and grab it.

I follow the creature; it leads me along.

But then I see a monster, it looks oh so strong. 

Then a gravestone appears, the poor creature is dead.

I wake up startled, thank God, that was all in my head.

The carriage continues pulled along by my horse.

A bumpy trip, the country road rough and coarse.

But out of the corner of my eye I see a black flash.

I quickly pull the horse to a halt and we almost crash.

I cry out to the flash, “show yourself I say!”

Out comes a rabbit, ambling like it wants to play.

A beautiful rabbit, just like the one from my dream.

A beautiful rabbit, it’s black coat shines with a gleam.

A beautiful rabbit, it’s ears flop like on a toy.

A beautiful rabbit, it’s eyes bursting with joy.

A beautiful rabbit, it’s nose twitching with glee.

I hope this beautiful black rabbit will be friends with me.

I get out of my carriage to go pet the rabbit.

Just like from my dream, I want to reach out and grab it.

I stroke and rub the gorgeous black fur.

I feel that no bad from this day will occur. 

This rabbit brings about a sense of purity and calm.

This is not the kind of rabbit that you would find on a farm.

I try to usher the creature into the comfort of my cart.

I can’t get over how it looks like a piece of art.

The rabbit, doesn’t enter, instead motioning to flee.

The rabbit turns around and trots away from me.

The rabbit does not understand, it doesn’t follow.

Seeing it leave makes me feel empty and hollow. 

I leave the horse and carriage; on foot I chase.

Unlike myself, the rabbit runs with such grace.

I chase and I chase, desperately trying to catch up.

It seems as if I’ll never catch it, is it time to give up?

The rabbit leaves the path, and heads for the woods.

Away from the noise, away from the neighbourhoods.

The further into the woods, the gloomier it starts to get.

Darker and much darker, so I begin to fret. 

All around seems like one great ginormous threat.

My knees start to shake, my palms start to sweat. 

If I don’t catch the creature soon, I fear for the worst.

Will I trip and fall, starve, or will I be eaten away by thirst.

The further I travel in, the more I really start to worry.

I cry out to the rabbit “Come back, I’m sorry!”

We begin to slow down, then we come to a halt.

“I’m sorry dear creature, this is all my fault.”

I look around, we seem to be stopped in a dark clearing.

I don’t feel safe, the worst is what I am fearing.

Like dark eerie figures, the trees loom over me.

It grows darker and darker, and I start struggling to see.

I call out to the creature, “come out, forgive me!”

I see movement behind a tree, has the rabbit taken my plea?

The black rabbit appears and moves towards me.

Now less gracefully, darkly, without its glee. 

This doesn’t appear to be the same rabbit as before.

This isn’t the sweet, innocent, beautiful creature anymore.

Its eyes aren’t enchanting, they look fierier with rage.

This looks like a creature, that should be locked away in a cage.

I start to back away, anxious, this doesn’t feel right.

This creature follows me, it seems like it wants to fight.

I try to run, to escape, but my legs are frozen still.

I’m trapped here, contained, against my will.

The rabbit seems to grow to a monstrous size.

And it seems like it still has the fiery look in its eyes.

The look in its eyes is screaming of torture and death.

I worry, will this be my final breath?

I can’t believe the beautiful creature could have such an evil soul.

Will it kill me? Will it eat me? I no longer have control.

This dark creature seems to have finished growing.

At least 30 feet tall, there’s no real way of knowing.

I see it move towards me; my heart begins to pound.

I stay sill, and silent, I dare not make a sound.

I look up this monstrosity, and I ask it for mercy.

“Dear monster, I’m so sorry, please spare me!”

My words seem insignificant, they are without resonation.

I feel all through my body, a horrible shaking sensation.

My body trembles in fear, scared beyond belief.

I hope my family back home, doesn’t experience too much grief.

The vision I had in my carriage has flipped.

For death I am not yet fully equipped.

The gravestone is not the rabbit’s, it’s my own.

The rabbit’s the evil, and I’m being laid out under the stone.

I’m not ready to die, I still have so much to do and see.

I haven’t been the best person; I’ve not been there for my family.

With each step that the monster comes toward me.

I reflect and think back to the awful person I’ve been.

I couldn’t hold my job, and I wasn’t there when people needed.

I didn’t support my family, and therefore poorly treated.

My kids rejected; my lovely wife neglected.

Maybe I deserve what’s coming, after all those I’ve effected.

In my lust for beauty, as displayed here today.

I gave up what was important, left my loved ones in dismay.

I deserve to be in hell for the atrocities I have done.

I haven’t been a great person to anyone.

Maybe this creature is a giant deadly omen.

Punishing for everything I have been involved in.

I still can’t believe the once beautiful creature to be so terrible.

I swing and strikes me; the pain is utterly unbearable.

All I can think is how beautiful this creature used to be.

Beauty is deceiving, after this you must believe me.

The monster proceeds and continues to attack.

And as it strikes me, everything fades to black.