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3 February 2025 - Festival applications now open!
Teacher information
Arts education provides students with a platform to thrive, express, create, collaborate, and excel. The Western NSW Dance Festival is an incredible opportunity for public school students to showcase their talents and for teachers to celebrate the art of dance.
We are thrilled to welcome your dancers to the 2025 Western NSW Dance Festivall!
Exciting for 2025!
We’re excited to announce the addition of Dubbo Regional Theatre as a performance venue, alongside Bathurst Memorial Entertainment Centre. Schools can now choose the venue that best suits their needs:
Western NSW Dance Festival - Bathurst Showcase - Bathurst Memorial Entertainment Centre
Western NSW Dance Festival - Dubbo Showcase - Dubbo Regional Theatre
This Google site is your one-stop hub for all festival-related information, including key details, preparation guidelines, and expectations.
About the Festival
The Western NSW Dance Festival is an annual event for public schools across Western NSW. It promotes dance education by providing students the opportunity to perform in a professional setting while showcasing their passion, skills, and creativity.
Students from Kindergarten to Year 12 will take the stage, exploring the art of dance in ways that inspire both performers and audiences alike.
The festival aims to:
✅ Support Dance education in schools – Encourage the development and teaching of dance programs by providing a performance goal that aligns with the NSW Creative Arts curriculum while fostering creativity, communication, and critical thinking skills.
✅ Foster community and wellbeing – Provide an opportunity for students to build confidence, teamwork, and resilience while developing a sense of belonging within their school and the broader community.
✅ Showcase dance as an art form – Highlight the value of dance as both a creative and physical discipline, reinforcing its role in a well-rounded education and encouraging continued participation in the performing arts.
✅ Deliver a high-quality performance experience – Support students and teachers in preparing for a professional performance, equipping them with industry-relevant skills in choreography, stagecraft, and collaboration.
✅ Celebrate achievement and growth – Create an engaging and inspiring event that recognizes the dedication of students and teachers while leaving lasting memories for all involved.
Join us in celebrating the incredible achievements of our students and teachers through the transformative power of dance.
Let’s make the 2025 Western NSW Dance Festival an unforgettable experience for everyone involved!
We can't wait to see your students strutting their stuff on the stage!
WNSWDF 2025 - Teacher drive folder
All information and forms can also be found in the WNSWDF25 - Teacher folder.
Please contact Sue Dawson - Arts Coordination Officer should you have any further questions or concerns:
P: 0402 992 897
Need support to get started?
Support is available to help schools prepare for the festival.
If your school needs assistance with choreography, a mentor choreographer can be assigned to guide and support you and your students.
To arrange this, please contact Sue Dawson.
We’re here to help - just reach out! 😊
Important information
Bathurst Showcase
Festival dates
📅 Monday 16 and Tuesday 17 June 2025 (Term 2 Week 8)
Performance times
There will be 2 shows each evening:
Evening show A - 5:00 pm to 6:15 pm
Evening show B - 7:00 pm to 8:15 pm
Schools are encouraged to perform in both shows on their performance evening but may opt to only perform in Show A if preferred.
Bathurst Memorial Entertainment Centre
105 William Street Bathurst NSW 2795
Tickets will be available to purchase from the performance venue from Term 2 Week 2:
$20 per adult
$12.50 child, concession and seniors.
There is no cost for schools to participate in the festival. Ticket sales and local arts funding will cover festival costs.
Schools are responsible for costs associated with costumes, teacher relief and transport to the festival.
Dubbo Showcase
Festival dates
📅 Thursday 19 June 2025 (Term 2 Week 8)
Performance times
There will be 2 shows:
Evening show A - 5:00 pm to 6:15 pm
Evening show B - 7:00 pm to 8:15 pm
Schools are encouraged to perform in both shows but may opt to only perform in Show A if preferred.
Dubbo Regional Theatre
155 Darling Street Dubbo
Tickets will be available to purchase from the performance venue from Term 2 Week 2:
$20 per adult
$12.50 child, concession and seniors.
There is no cost for schools to participate in the festival. Ticket sales and local arts funding will cover festival costs.
Schools are responsible for costs associated with costumes, teacher relief and transport to the festival.
Festival structure
Number of items
Each school may nominate a maximum of 3 items for the festival. We will endeavour to place all items in the festival.
Schools wishing to submit more than 3 items will need to discuss this with Sue Dawson. Additional items may be possible, however may need to be spread over both nights of the festival.
Number of students
Each item should have a minimum of 10 dancers and a maximum of 30 dancers.
Exception will be made for small schools and SSP schools where numbers may need to be adapted to suit their students' needs and/or number.
Style of dance
Schools may explore any style of dance they prefer.
We encourage the inclusion of students with a disability and will work with the school to ensure any modifications or special provisions required are met.
Indigenous dance groups, multicultural dance groups, boys dance groups are actively encouraged to participate.
Length of items
Primary - maximum of 4 minutes
Secondary - maximum of 5 minutes.
How to apply
School participation form
Please submit your WNSWDF 2025 - School participation form - to nominate the number of items you wish to participate in the festival.
This form is required to be submitted by Friday 28 March 2025 (Term 1 Week 9).
Following the closing of nominations, schools will be notified of their performance day and technical rehearsal timeslot by Friday 2 May 2024 (Term 2 Week 1).
The performance schedule for the shows will be made available to schools by Friday 9 May (Term 2 Week 2)
Schedule of day
Technical rehearsals will take place during the day of your allocated performance.
Technical rehearsal timeslot 1: 9:00 am to 10:30 am
Technical rehearsal timeslot 2: 10:30 am to 12:00 noon
Technical rehearsal timeslot 3: 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm
Technical rehearsal timeslot 4: 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm
Evening show A: 5:00 pm to 6:15 pm
Evening show B: 7:00 pm to 8:15 pm
Schools are encouraged to watch some or all of the other technical rehearsals on the day.
Students will, at all times, be under the duty of care of their teacher/s throughout the festival.
A maximum of 2 parent volunteers (if required) per school will be allowed backstage and must be named on the student and staff roll submitted. Parent volunteers cannot be swapped throughout the day.
Principals will be required to sign off on all staff, aides and parent volunteers attending the festival to ensure they meet Department guidelines for WWCC and mandatory training. care of their teacher/s throughout the festival. Principals must sign off on all staff, aides and parent volunteers attending the festival to ensure they meet Departmet guidelines for WWCC and mandatory training.
Other student opportunities at the festival
Each school is to provide a compere to announce their item/s.
This student may be a performer in the item or another student from the school.
If the student is not a performer, the compere is asked to wear their school uniform. If the student is a performer they can make the introduction in costume.
Item description
You will be required to provide a description (no more than 3 sentences) about your item for your compere to read in the blackout while the stage is being set for your item. For example: “The sea is a mysterious and ever-changing part of our world. On the floor of the ocean crabs, fish, lobsters and mermaids live in harmony. Join the students from XXX Public School as they take you to the wonderful world “Under the Sea”.
VET Entertainment students
An opportunity is available for selected students in Years 11 and 12 studying VET Entertainment to complete a work placement as a crew member of the production team for the Festival.
VET Crew would be required from 8:30 am to 8:30 pm and will work in roles such as assistant stage manager, film crew, backstage crew, sound and lighting. This opportunity will provide valuable industry workplacement hours for the VET Entertainment course.
Please email Sue Dawson - if you have students you wish to nominate for a work placement.
Regional ensembles for this year's festival!
Please encourage students from your school to apply for these amazing ensemble opportunities!
Download this image to put in your school newsletter!
Download this image to put in your school newsletter!
Filming and photography guidelines
Teacher filming and photography
Teachers may take photos or videos of their own school’s items during rehearsals only.
Backstage photography and filming by teachers is permitted, but please be mindful of other schools in the area. Limit filming to your school unless permission is obtained from the other school’s teacher.
Video Recording
All shows will be professionally filmed.
Due to copyright regulations, videos will not be available for sale.
Each school will receive a copy of their performance only, which will be sent to the school principal and coordinating teacher after the festival.
This video may be used at a school level at the principal's discretion but cannot be sold to parents.
All shows will be filmed. This video will not be available for sale due to copyright regulations. Each school will get a copy of their performance only. This will be sent to the school principal and coordinating teacher following the festival. This can be used at a school level at the principal's discretion. This video cannot be sold to parents.
Professional photography
A professional photographer will capture both shows.
Images will be available for viewing and purchase after the festival.
Schools will receive a link and password to access these images following the event.
Each school will have their own dedicated password only accessible by their school.
Options for schools with students without publishing permission:
Schools with students who do not have permission to publish must choose from the following options:
No photography: These items will not be photographed at all. The school must notify parents of this decision before the show.
Restricted photography: The school will receive the performance photos first for review. Only images approved by the principal will be made available for purchase. These images will be password-protected for the specific school’s access only.
If your school has indicated that you have students who do not have permission to publish, please let us know what you prefer by emailing
Social media
Please refer to the Department’s Social Media Policy before posting to your school's social media platforms.
Please tag #STDF2025 and #Theartsunit when posting.
Music guidelines
Selecting your music and music reproduction
The music you choose drives the theme and provides inspiration for your movement. Try to be original and creative when choosing your music.
Music and lyrics help communicate the intent of an item, your music choice should be appropriate and support the intent/theme of your work.
Music must be legally purchased on behalf of the school with your principal’s acknowledgment of the purchase.
Please ensure each track of music selected is appropriate to the age and abilities of your students.
Music should be selected and screened carefully with the school principal endorsing both song choice and song lyrics.
Songs with inappropriate lyrics or intent will not be accepted.
When selecting your music or creating your soundtrack from multiple songs, try to avoid variation in sound levels or any audible clicks or pops on your soundtrack.
Ensure your music stays within the time allocations
It is recommended that you bring a backup thumb drive to the rehearsal and performances.
Your final soundtrack will be required to be uploaded to the WNSWDF25 - Teacher folder by Friday 24 May 2024 (Term 2 Week 4).
Please submit a separate music file for each item.
Publicity consent
All students must complete a Festival publicity consent form prior to the festival.
This form is to be collected and held by the coordinating teacher at the school.
A Word document version of this form is available in the WNSWDF25 - Teacher folder if you wish to amend this form to add to your school excursion permission note.
Unless otherwise advised, items with a student without consent will still be filmed and photographed by the festival. It will be at the discretion of the school principal how this footage is used.
The Western NSW Dance Festival adheres to all copyright laws.
Schools should choose commercially available sound recordings. Once the sound recording has been purchased, the school is not automatically covered for copyright under the educational copyright agreement.
Choreography must be original work created in accordance with choreography and copyright laws.
Each school must ensure the correct policies are followed for copyright clearance of all music and/or sound effects used in their soundtrack.
To assist you in understanding and meeting copyright requirements refer to:
Please also note that in your application form you will be required to provide the details (title, artist, composer, publisher/record company) of each music track and sound effect used.
Composition and choreography
Successful items are those items that contain a strong theme, appropriate music choice and movements and are age and ability appropriate for your students.
When creating your work, it is important to identify the intended concept / intent or theme. Spend time reflecting on what you are trying to communicate to the audience and how you are going to communicate it – through movement, music, costuming, props, staging and lighting.
All items must be appropriate for young audience members to view.
Sensitivity should be displayed in the treatment of themes such as romantic relationships, depression, suicide, racism, sexism, drug and alcohol abuse etc. If these themes are explored by senior students, they should be treated in an abstract context rather than representational. These themes are not suitable for primary or junior secondary students.
Performances that have disturbing, violent or culturally inappropriate content or costuming may possibly be removed from the festival.
All performances must be viewed in full by the school principal prior to the festival and have their endorsement of the content.
Questions to explore throughout the choreographic process:
What is the dance about?
What is the concept/intent, theme or narrative being developed?
How do you intend to develop your idea?
Does the movement support the concept/intent, theme or narrative?
How do you intend to develop the relationship between dancers/characters?
How will you explore the elements of dance? e.g. shapes, space and formations?
How will you create variations or dynamic contrasts? e.g. variations in time - frantic rush to a moment of stillness
Does the movement help to convey the intent of the piece?
Does music choice and costuming enhance the concept/intent, theme or narrative?
What atmosphere and ‘feeling’ do you want to create?
Is the concept/intent, theme or narrative clear to the audience from beginning to end?
When composing your work consider the following to vary and contrast the movement:
have different groups of students performing simple varied movements simultaneously
unison choreography should form only part of your dance
contrast locomotor (travelling) movement and non-locomotor (non-travelling)movement
work on a variety of levels – standing, kneeling, on the floor, jumping
develop a movement phrase, which can be repeated throughout your dance
move in lines, circles, triangles, squares, diagonals and staggered lines
perform the same movement in different directions
use entries and exits where the dancers are not on the stage throughout the whole item.
Refer to the Creative Arts K-6 Syllabus, Dance 7-10 Syllabus and Dance Stage 6 Syllabus for guidance in the elements of composition relevant for your students.
Safe dance guidelines
Safe dance guidelines
Students should always warm up and cool down before and after they perform. Do a cardiovascular warm-up first before attempting to stretch. This makes the muscles more pliable before flexibility work and before being ready to dance. Be sure to warm up all major joint areas and muscle groups.
Students must dance within their own capabilities. Do not execute movements that extend past a student’s range of flexibility, strength, endurance or training.
Always dance with awareness of alignment, i.e. knees over toes. Students should use their centre at all times. This means pressing the stomach back to the spine and flattening out the stomach.
The following can be considered to be unsafe depending on the student’s training:
full neck roll
sustained forward flexion or back arches without support
gymnastic tricks/movements - for example: flips, forward/backward rolls, walkovers
heavy landings from jumps or into the floor
rolling up onto the neck/backward or full neck rolls
break dancing movements such as the ‘worm’ and head spins
falling/landing on knees rather than lowering down to the floor
unstable or under-rehearsed lifts or weight-bearing movements
quick and repetitive plies.
Costumes and props
Costumes need not be elaborate or expensive to be eye-catching. Costumes should support your item concept and complement the movement intention.
Rehearse in costumes prior to the festival to ensure fit and comfort issues for the students have been addressed.
Costumes should be appropriate for the performer’s age, gender, and a range of body shapes. Students' dignity should be respected at all times.
Undergarments should not be seen when dancers are performing in costume.
Bare midriff, cut-away tops, plunging necklines and high-cut leotards are not acceptable.
Changing costumes on stage is not permitted.
Good grooming is an essential part of an onstage presentation. Hair should be well-groomed and pulled back from faces
The use of aerosol hairspray is not permitted in the building.
If using props, they should appear as an integral part of the item, complementing, not dominating it.
Please consider:
there is a Work Safe limit of 25 kgs on all props
they should be able to be safely carried by one student
free-standing props must be secure and weighted at the bottom if necessary
props on wheels must have safety locks
coordinating teachers and choreographers will be directed by the stage management team on the safest most logical way that props are set and removed from the stage
keep in mind there is limited time to set up props and often limited light.
Staging and lighting
The stage space is approximately 11 m x 9 m.
The stage is a traditional proscenium-style setup.
Entrance to the stage is from stage left only. Dancers entering from stage right must cross the stage in the blackout.
Movement that travels backwards can be potentially dangerous for young and inexperienced dancers. It is the coordinating teacher and choreographer’s responsibility to ensure that dancers are aware of stage dimensions and how to orientate themselves in the space.
Stage diagram
Schools will be supported during their rehearsal by the venue lighting technician to design a lighting plan for your item/s.
Please download the lighting plan document from the teacher folder to help you with this process. A completed copy of your lighting design should be uploaded into the WNSWDF25 - Teacher folder by Friday 24 May 2024 (Term 2 Week 4).
Please submit a separate lighting plan for each item.
Lighting background
Think about which background you would prefer to use throughout your item. The choice will depend on the mood and atmosphere you wish to achieve.
You will have 2 options for a background for your performance:
Black curtain - this helps to create vivid lighting effects, or a darker, more concentrated atmosphere.
White cyclorama - this creates brighter and more colourful lighting states.
Additional resources
You might like to explore the following 2 Creative Teacher resources developed by The Arts Unit to assist in your preparations for the festival.
Third-party content attributions
No third-party attributions.
Western NSW Dance Festival
The Arts Unit