Metro Plan 2036 Transcript

Metropolitan Plan 2036

Woman 1 - I think Sydney is a fun and enjoyable place to be.

Man 1 - It has a great night life, great beaches, pubs, clubs.

Woman 2 -All the restaurants, new things to try to do, festivals.

Man 2 - I love multiculturalism. I think we are such a diverse, such a vibrant city.

Man 1 - All these little pockets, these villages where everywhere you go it is a different flavour and I think that is going to continue to grow and get better as Sydney gets bigger.

Man 2 - It is the place to be, but yeah we do have to improve it we have to do some planning and we have to do it carefully.

Woman 3 - Sydney has to grow, I think we have to plan for it so it makes sure it stays as a great city to live in.

The Hon Tony Kelly MLC - Minister for Planning, Infrastructure and Lands - We all know Sydney is a great place to live in, we want to make sure it stays that way. Over the next 25 years there will be 1.7 million extra people living in Sydney so we have to cater for those houses and for the infrastructure, so that Sydney stays a vibrant place to live and work.

Ian Reynolds - Deputy Director-General, Strategies and Land Release NSW Department of Planning - The challenges are really are quite clear, the Sydney metropolitan regions are growing by about 50 to 60,000 people a year and over the next 25 years, we expect the population Sydney will reach about 6 million in 2036, that means we need to plan for 770,000 more homes, 760,000 more jobs, and we need to start planning to meet those challenges now, so we can protect the things people love about Sydney, things like our natural environment, our different lifestyles but we need to make sure the city grows and develops as Australia’s global city.

Norma Shankie-Williams - Director Metropolitan and Regional Strategies NSW Department of Planning - Sydney produces a quarter of Australia’s GDP. It also competes with cities across the world, investment and human capital on behalf of Australia, so Sydney has a national responsibility if you like to remain competitive with other global cities in our region like Singapore, Tokyo and Hong Kong.

Kate Peacock - Demographer NSW Department of Planning - We need a metropolitan plan to guide Sydney’s growth over the long term, to coordinate state and local government efforts to make the city more liveable, more affordable and more sustainable.

Giovanni Cirillo - Executive Director Urban Renewal & Major Sites Planning NSW Department of Planning - The metro plan will closely integrate landuse and transport planning for the first time and pay specific attention to the need of Climate Change. It will tackle ???????? and promote a city with more homes and public transport and what that will mean is basically less need to drive in your own private car.

Norma Shankie-Williams - Director Metropolitan and Regional Strategies NSW Department of Planning - All rapidly growing global cities face the challenge of increased congestion when job and business activity are heavily focussed in one direction into the CBD, that’s what we have to address.

2.32 Ian Reynolds - Deputy Director-General, Strategies and Land Release NSW Department of Planning - The metropolitan plan and the metropolitan strategy before it began in 2005 address this issue by transforming Sydney into a City of Cities with Parramatta as a second CBD and Liverpool and Penrith as regional cities supported by a network of major centres. This multi centre approach encourages the growth of suburban centres to create new jobs, new business opportunities in accessible locations right across the metropolitan area and that relieves pressure on our transport routes in the CBD and it makes sure that we can share the benefits of economic growth across the entire region.

Kate Peacock - Demographer NSW Department of Planning - Most of Sydney’s population growth will be in Western Sydney, so we are planning for at least half of the new jobs to be in this part of the region, to promote a fair distribution of employment and cut the time that people spend travelling to and from work.

Norma Shankie-Williams - Director Metropolitan and Regional Strategies NSW Department of Planning - And we need to increase not only the number of jobs but also the range of jobs in Sydney’s West to match the higher skills and higher education for people living there. Already new jobs have been created there. Already new jobs have been created in specialised business parks and research centres outside the CBD especially in the job rich corridor known as the Global Ark when the Epping to Parramatta rail link opens, it will be easier for thousands more people to access jobs in centres along this ark and that will strengthen Parramatta as Sydney’s second CBD.

Ian Reynolds - Deputy Director-General, Strategies and Land Release NSW Department of Planning - Transport is the key, the metropolitan plan will build on the strength of the existing transport system, with over 50 billion dollars worth of new projects over the next 2 years. These investments will improve transport right across the city and allow urban renewal to be focused in locations where there is existing transport capacity or where those new projects will significantly lift transport capacity.
