What are our goals?

By: Nina

Published On: May 26 2021

League of Learner’s Founding and Goals

The Village can be frantic, chaotic, messy and not only that. Luckily, that’s why the League of Learners is here. Our goal is to express more student voice and to have a system of communication between the students and the parents. There are a few main sections in our website ‘The Student Scope’ that LOL are focusing on so far: The Embassy, The Creators, Articles/From the Print Room, Who we are and Other information. Each of these sections serves a different purpose to shape, change and inform people.

Let’s start at the beginning though. It was one fateful night in the 2020 summer holidays when Paranjay called me, our call lasted from 11:30 pm to 2:00 am and I learnt 3 things. Number 1. I was going to be so tired the next morning, Number 2. Paranjay and I were going to change student voice and Number 3. It would be a lot of work. We created a document and did some research on the Learning systems in LLV, we looked at the roots and how we could communicate with parents and other higher up people. Then in year 8, PJ proposed the idea of a student council in which 8 students would create a website so that parents, government/politicians and students could understand what was happening in the school. It would have to be student-led and we would need to make sure that students had a strong voice. So there were 6 other students hand-selected by PJ to form the inner circle of LOL.

Our website’s main goal is to be a communicator. So parents can understand what’s going on at LLV and so students can communicate with any people outside the village. Don’t get me wrong the school website already is great but we feel as if students need to be heard. The Students’ Scope is entirely student-led, meaning that we are still experimenting with possibilities and making decisions. Being student-led we will sure that our opinions and ideas are made aware of and acted upon.